So I had a pretty good day today. SD and I took Mason to the aquarium where he had a good time looking at the fishies and eating num num's. I got a chance to try out my new camera, which I am so in love with, and I managed to take a few good pictures. Mason really enjoyed looking over the empty seal tank to find the seals sitting under a stream of water. We were pretty sure that they were cleaning it. We also got to visit with
fuckedupinpink and her man and the 2 youngsters that she sits for. Then it was off to dinner.
We went to White Spot for eats because I wouldnt have made it back to Abby in time for him to eat. Mason actually ate what we ordered for him! He enjoyed his macaroni and cheese. The 3 of us had a nice dinner but we hated our waiter. He didn't come back at all during our meal and we waited for him to come to clear our plates and pack up our food because SD had to teach at 6. He came 10 minutes after SD left and it took him another 15 to come back with the box so I could pack my food. Meanwhile, Mason is so so so ready for sleep and is getting extremely cranky. Then it took him another 10 to come back with my check and got pretty upset when I didn't leave a tip. Off to bring SD his stuff from his car.
I needed to walk SD's bag to Duello because he left it in my car when we went for dinner and I was almost there when this homeless guy said "look at the pretty lady and her baby, you should come with me." I ignored him and kept going. He didn't like that too much and grabbed my arm and said "don't ignore me" while trying to pull me into the alley. I tell him to let go of me and when he doesn't I take a swing and connect hard with his nose. He lets go and I run while carrying Mason into the school. I unwind while giving Rick the short version of what happened because I'm still a little shocked and can't think straight. I take a few minutes before I start to walk the 2 blocks back to my car.
When I got home, I curled up with Phil, grabbed some chocolate from my huge stash and watched Beauty and the Geek, my one trash TV show that I indulge in when its on besides Judge Judy.