(no subject)

Feb 15, 2015 19:26

Hi LJ, I guess updating more often translates into updating quarterly.

I am still working at Snowbird, and man this winter has been busy!

I have been going to the gym 5 days a week since January, and I have many fitness and work out goals that I am working towards. Work has been keeping me out of the house a lot too. They want me to help teach snowboarding next year so I have been going through some vigorous training. Unfortunately my hip flexor muscle is pretty tight, and I tore it Friday and had to stop a little earlier than was planned. I didn't realize there was a muscle there until I hurt it haha. Funny how I never needed to think about that in the military, they had us doing the right stretches though so that is why it never came up. So there will be a lot of mountain climbers in my future.

I am going to get my bike from Evanston and all tuned up ready for some light trails. I can't wait to get started, because I already am excited to ride the trails at the wild life refuge in Farmington, and some other roads and trails around the Great Salt Lake.

I got a code for the Promotive.com website through Snowbird, and oh my god. I always wondered how skii scrubs could afford nice, new gear. Now I know. Over 300 brands supply discounts like 50% MSRP. I can get a Rino Rack bike rack for the Jeep for 50% off, and Smith goggles for the same. There's brands like Carhart which will help me get some work pants for trail crew, and there are even some tactical brands geared for shooting.

Camping, climbing, paddle boarding, cycling, hiking. My whole world just opened up. I'm going to take advantage of it!

Still sober! Got a year under the sobriety belt now. I'm in dialectical behavior therapy now and that shit is amazing. It was developed for borderline personality disorder, but I think it helps a lot for a broad spectrum of disorders that have a hard time with emotional regulation. It has definitely helped a lot. I really wish I had this stuff taught to me growing up. I guess we just assume either you learn it on your own, or you're dysfunctional.

The Jeep got a make over. 17" Rockstar wheels, 32" tires. Hardtop. I increased the value of it! And we're going repelling locally next week, then we're headed to go repelling in Moab the weekend after that. We're excited to get Harrison involved. We want to get him away from that sedentary life style that is killing his father quite quickly and effectively. The man's like 300 lbs, at the age of 30, with all these health issues that are hush hush to us. We would like to instill confidence, and love of the out doors.

Been doing some back country clinics at work as well. Which is really exciting. They picked up a split board just for me to do the clinic with since one of those bad boys is like 900+$. I also learned how to skate skii. Which is hard, and an amazing working out.

I'm hoping that I will be super fit in time for trail crew this season.

Oh and I haven't even talked about School yet! 3.71 GPA so far, half way done through my Energy Management program! I also got a 94% on my hard midterm full of energy calculations and such. The Energy Manager for Alta graduated from my course as well, and the resort made a position for her. I am hoping that I can get hired on by Snowbird as an Energy Manager. If not, I think I still want to pursue more college, particularly finish the computer engineering degree I started.

My life is so different from where it was last year. And the year before. And the year before... ect. I am finally living the way that I have strived for, but couldn't because I needed to deal with PTSD and addiction. I can't say that I regret having to go through that, because I can not say for certain that my life would be at this place had I not had the journey that my recovery has taken me.

Robin got me a pedi and mani for Valentines day, so my nails are nice and clean. I didn't realize how stressed out my cuticles made me feel when they get all over grown and nasty. Now I have shiny bright orange nails on fingers and toes, and no itchy irritability from OCD.

Oh yeah I was diagnosed with OCD due to PTSD. So yeah... agoraphobia, OCD, insomnia, all because of PTSD. And that's probably not all of them. It's a fucking awful disorder to live with, but I am mastering it.

Snow Shoeing at Snowbird

Mani Pedi Date

Jeep Before

Jeep After
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