Wow, so I'm a terrible person and still haven't made those interest icons from
I've got a bit of inspiration though, so I'm going to be working on them tonight/the rest of this week... Here's what I have from before. If you want some more, or if you haven't requested and you want some, comment on this post!
alexia_drake: Something funny, related to the HP fandom... Any character(s) will do :)
lil_pixiedevil: Make me sumthin purdy.
fuyu_icons: Art/artist-related icons would be cool. . . Specifics: some artists I like include Warhol (but I have tons of Warholicons already, lol), Rauschenberg, Oldenburg, Ernst, Dali, Basquiat,Kandinsky
steph_tastic: high heels, martini, sorbet
craftyasparagus: pick what you want from my interests, or use my pictures
plshrk635: pick what you want from my interests
valliegurl: pick what you want from my interests
little__one: pick what you want from my interests