4 a.m. Get up on 4 hours of sleep; Make breakfast
5 a.m. Journal incoherently
5:30 a.m. go back to bed, worry about finances for an hour while tossing and turning, consider getting back up, but don't.
7:10 a.m. "Hello Shane why are you waking me up?" which is the polite way of putting what was going through my mind. More like "Get the f*ck away from me, I'm trying to sleep."
7:20 Shower and dress, do laundry, put away three loads of laundry, help Tyro pack for the weekend at my mother's (no *I* am not going, they are), pack for my own overnight at Beauty's apartment in Providence, work on
Diarist Awards tasks, make lunch to take to work
8:50 am Leave (late)
9:10 am Get Tyro to school (late)
9:40 am Get to work (late)
9:40-4:30 Work without breaks; break only to laugh hysterically at impending deadlines
4:30 pm Take a break to eat and hook up the caffeine IV
4:45 pm Work some more
5:30 pm Go home
6 p.m. Finish my own packing, get Buttercup packed, finish packing Tyro's now-clean laundry, check power steering fluid which was bone dry last week and not very welcoming of the fluid I poured in it.
6:30 Leave for Rhode Island. (This is a joke. Really. Because you think all that's going to happen in 30 minutes? Ha!)
7:00 pm Put air in tires. Eat at McDonald's on Mass Pike because I won't have time to cook during my 30 minutes home.
10 Pull into my mother's driveway.
10:01 Pull out and head to Providence to Beauty's.
11 Get in to Beuty's. Which really has to be improved on because that is too late to be showing up at someone's doorsteap.
2:42 Start trying to figure out when I can get in here to work over the weekend, since I'm going to need to leave before 5:30 in order to make the above schedule work.