Monday Madness for Oct. 27

Oct 27, 2003 16:17

1. Do you watch any 'reality shows' on television? If so, which is your favorite? If not, why?

No!!! I do not watch *anything* regularly on TV. I was actually partly sad to find out that Queer Eye is on Tuesdays. Until that was casually mentioned by Esq.last week, I had not known when exactly any show was on TV at all. The last time I knew when a show I liked was on was in 1998, when I watched Touch by an Angel religiously (cough cough) every Sunday.

It was strangely comforting to not know when Queer Eye was on, even though I like the show. It somehow relieved me of any obligation to watch it. Knowing when things is a form of commitment. There is a brain cell (God, I hope it's only one) somewhere in my head that is now committed to remembering when Queer Eye is on. That is it's function. It is part of my biology now, as surely as my eye color.

2. If you were offered a chance to be a part of any of the reality shows, which one would you choose? Why?

I would not choose to be on any reality show, ever.

Oh, maybe that historical roughing-it show that was on a year or so ago. That was kind of cool.

3. If you could pick your own team on 'Survivor' what qualities would you look for in the 7 people you would choose?

Having never seen Survivor, I have no idea.

esquire, meme, here and now, queer eye

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