I have about 20 more minutes at work today and then I am going to Bucci to get my hair cut.
From the time I leave here, until Monday, I have non-stop plans. I will be lucky to find a few minutes to sit quietly with a book and a cup of coffee.
Tomorrow, I have to take Shane to the airport for a 6 a.m. flight. 6. In the a.m.
That means I will need to be up at...4? 3? Ugh.
After dropping him off, I'm coming straight to work since I don't trust myself to go home or take a nap or anything. By the time I get off work, Tyro will be home from Nature's Classroom, his dad will be at my house,
Evan and Andy will be there. We will have a full house.
We plan to spend the evening a) getting 'Merkin food (but we are NOT going to Denny's for dinner, do you hear me Andy?!), b) watching the Queer Eye marathon (or "atleast several hours of it," as
Esq. insisted last night.
Esq. has also promised to repaint my toenails. The green is turning a very strange color. Someone compared it to "some kind of fungus" the other day. Time to change it.