{the clacking of metal against the terminal}
I have been... considering moral supremacy. Good is good and bad is bad and the gray areas, grey ha ha, that is the worst because we just don't get it. Black white gray. I like red, red, it's just so. lively.
Here's a realm of sinners, SINNERS, but they all dress in white and cry and cry and cry when they get a little red on them.
People in white, if they spill the right blood their good. If they, eye for an eye, if they do, just kill or maim or crack the right bones they're white.
It isn't good or bad. It's black versus white. A war.
Ok, ok children, then I'll be red.
You know who else is red? Mello is red. Mello, you see L, Mello confused me a little, just a little, but I realize he's just like me. I see that red in him, but he's playing white knight, black knight. Pretending. His ideals, don't they scare you L? Don't they remind you of back then?
History is destined to repeat itself forever and ever and ever.
{Private to L : Hackable}
You did it you did it you you did, I am. so. so. happy.
I watched and and I saw, I saw L, that the problem isn't them, it's you. You, you're evolving beyond the title. Becoming something else. Something more, something less.
You can't win our game like that L. Make a choice. The title or the person.
Do they really mean so much? I do adore them.
{Private to Naomi : Unhackable x100}
Hello Naomi Misora.
Someone touched one of my things.
When I find out who. Well. I'll make sure they don't touch things again. Ha ha ha.
Thank you, thank you Anne, for the roses. I'll write you a sonata. To play. For me.