(no subject)

Aug 05, 2028 05:05

A happy, happy birthday to you~

A concrit/relationship/info post. Anon commenting enabled.


L LAWLIET The obsession. Once upon a time ago L choose someone else, not B. L thought he was better than B and B showed him. Almost. He loves L, he hates L, and would be lost without him. What would he do? What would be left?

A The first successor. B cared about A very much, his blond haired friend, smart, talented A. Unfortunately A couldn't keep up with the game, now could he? Just a few little words and A had a noose around his neck. But sh, that's a secret. B would never hurt his A.


QUILLISH WAMMY The enabler. Going to die in a few years, so sad. His only use was hints and clues about what L was like. Rip Mr. Wammy.


MIHAEL KEEHL The guard dog. He is just so fun. It's bad though, he looks a bit too much like A. Perhaps, perhaps if B broke him enough he could be A forever. But M's a bit too much like B as well. B enjoys haunting him.

NATE RIVER The golden child. So much like A and so much like L, it's the eyes. The new L? B could work with it, since he's sososo important to L and M. He was too fun as well, B just loves him to pieces. Perhaps literally.

MAIL JEEVAS The current enigma. Important? Perhaps. A little lapdog of Mello's it seems. It's always useful to know where the strings leading to one's heart lies. Just intriguing enough of a boy for B to look again.


LIGHT YAGAMI The killer, the damned. He killed L, B's L! With a nastly little notebook that should have been B's, B is a shinigami after all, and he dared kill his L. He is going to rip Kira into so may pieces it would be like rain drops.

MISA AMANE The eyes. She has them too, so exciting, and she knows him, Light Yagami, the beast who killed his L. He likes Misa, he does, and wants to play just a bit more. Useful toys are the best toys.

NAOMI MISORA Her. She ruined his game with L, he overlooked something and there it was, L had a checkmate with Naomi as his pawn turned queen. He'd love to just ring her neck but she was... important. Impressive.



REIKO A peculiar one, B likes Reiko, yes he does. Reiko reminds him of A, listens to his stories and poems. Reiko's a lovely little thing, very close to being his lovely little thing, because it is oh so rare he likes someone. A... 'friend.'

YIN A toy. She's very mechanical and B would just love to see how she works. A friend of L's? Of Grahams? Too perfect. She will be lovely in the game.

GRAHAM AKER A toy. B had just wanted to annoy L but Graham turned out so much better than a distraction. So it's time to play, hide and seek, tag. He wants to see what makes that little smile slide off Graham's face.

BILLY KATAGIRI The toy's toy. A weak point for Graham Aker perhaps. B finds Billy's sharp tongue quite entertaining. Too bad he's going to have to snip it out.

HALLELUJAH HAPTISM The toy's owner. Another player in the game, so possessive of dear Graham Aker. B played with fire once and his body was marred. This time he hopes it will burn just a little brighter.

HINAICHIGO The doll. A strange little thing, but it can keep a secret. As a reward he won't take it apart just yet.

SASORI The madman. Such an interesting man. He speaks the right language though, even if he lost his things much too quickly.
+ And he fixed B's useless arm, so interesting. One to keep close, under a microscope.

SOLOMON GOLDSMITH A kindred spirit. He'll get a rose from the lovely bouquet B will pick.

MIZORE A guard dog of L's. Nothing to fear.

REN A servant of L's. One day B will take her instead.


THYLAS One day B will pick him a bouquet of red red roses, he just likes him so very much. The Vergil, perhaps, to his Dante. Or maybe the Satan.

ZHYGURE He is just, he is just precious, just the most beautiful, terrible thing, like a car crash with grey matter splattered over the windshield and god, god it's so terrible but you can't. look. away. Zhygure gave him jam and Lear and nuclear fall outs.
EDGAR Shall I hear from you anon?

EDMUND I do serve you in this business.

Work in progress

relationships, info, inprogress, concrit, hows my driving?

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