Oct 28, 2008 20:03
To Whom It May Concern:
Stop telling me I'm a racist because I'm not voting for Barack Obama. I do not care about the color of his skin. I care about what he stands for, such as the following ...
... banning private handgun ownership.
... opposing government vouchers allowing parents to place children in the school of their choice.
... prioritizing amnesty to illegal immigrants above securing U.S. borders against more of them.
... supporting government-funded and -regulated health care.
... banning off-shore drilling for oil.
... allowing an adult to transport a minor across state lines for an abortion, without the minor's parents' consent.
... allowing partial-birth abortion (intentional feet-first delivery of late- or full-term babies for insertion of scissors into the back of the baby's skull, and opening the scissors to create a hole to suction out the brain).
... opposing the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act. (Even Barbara Boxer voted for this one.)
... adding materials that encourage homosexuality to sex education curriculum.
... supporting affirmative action and homosexual quotas in the workplace.
... supporting the Fairness Doctrine.
... planning to allow current tax cuts to expire.
... deliberately undermining the Constitution (which he calls a "charter of negative liberties," which enumerates "what the states can't do to you" and "what the federal government can't do to you" but "doesn't say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf," namely "political and economic justice in society" and "redistribution of wealth," i.e., socialism/Marxism).
I have plenty of reasons not to vote for Mr. Obama, just as those who advocate all of the following--unregulated abortion; government control of health care, education, firearms, the economy, and other things; socialism--have every reason to vote for Mr. Obama. If these are things a person believes in, they've found in Mr. Obama the ideal candidate. But stop accusing me of racism because I don't believe in these things and therefore am not voting for him!