Thanks to everyone for your input as we decided what to do with S5! From the last poll/post, it appears the winner for how to approach our S5 rewatch is to do it in blocks of two or three episodes each Sunday. There was a suggestion to do larger blocks through the Byron arc, then slow down for the rest of the season, and since it had some popular support and
alto2 and I liked it as well, that's how we're going to do it. We'll tackle the first nine episodes in blocks of three, then slow down to blocks of two for the rest of the season, and finish by giving SiL its own week at the end.
There was also a request to do two of the films, so we're putting them in at the most appropriate places, canon-wise.
When you sign up for a pair or block of episodes, bear in mind that you don't have to post about both/all the episodes; for example, if you want to do "Day of the Dead" but have no interest in "Phoenix Rising," that's fine. The posts will be open to comments on all of the episodes for that week, so any member of the group can bring up anything they want on them. If it turns out that you're interested in one episode from a block and someone else wants the other, feel free to put your heads together and make a joint post.
"Sleeping in Light," since it's the finale and so many people love it, is going to be a special case. On August 21st, either
alto2 or I will make a post with just a link to the Lurker's Guide or a good screencap or something simple, and everyone can go crazy in the comments. Feel free to bring graphics, essays, and other goodies to the party. :D
Sign-up guidelines are similar for this one as the other season; please pick one block or movie for the first 48 hours, then claim as many as you want. I don't have reliable internet access at work and won't be able to keep this as up-to-date as I'd like, so if you're claiming something, please check the comments first.
As always, questions, comments, and concerns can be left here, e-mailed, or PMed to me or
Sunday, June 5 - In the Beginning [
Sunday, June 12 - No Compromises, The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari, The Paragon of Animals [
Sunday, June 19 - A View from the Gallery, Learning Curve, Strange Relations [
Sunday, June 26 - Secrets of the Soul, In the Kingdom of the Blind, A Tragedy of Telepaths [
Sunday, July 3 - Phoenix Rising, Day of the Dead [
Sunday, July 10 - The Ragged Edge; The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father [
Sunday, July 17 - Meditations on the Abyss, Darkness Ascending [
Sunday, July 24 - And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder; Movements of Fire and Shadow [
Sunday, July 31 - The Fall of Centauri Prime, Wheel of Fire [
Sunday, August 7 - Objects in Motion, Objects at Rest [
Sunday, August 14 - A Call to Arms [
Sunday, August 21 - Sleeping in Light [free-for-all]