Chrysalis, or, And Now for Something Completely Different

Sep 12, 2010 00:14

I'm exercising Executive Privilege and nixing the spoiler-free post for this one. I hope that doesn't bother anyone--this has been such a substantial undertaking that I just couldn't do it twice, and since we're killing the spoiler-free posts as of S2, well, why not start now?

Be warned: this post is not even a little bit dial-up friendly.

So, without further ado, I present: BOOM TOMORROW!

Hello, ladies, gents, and of course aliens!, Thanks for joining us on BOOM TOMORROW! We have a great game for you today! I'm your host, alto2.

Chrysalises (Chrysales?), by definition, are about new beginnings, and I've identified the key plot points that represent new beginnings (which, let's face it, is most of this episode) and will present them pictorially below. Our usual judge on BOOM TOMORROW, Lt. Commander Susan Ivanova, is not available for today's show, which is where YOU come in. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to determine which contestant's actions are the most explosive, and therefore who deserves to win a generous cash prize and the lovely BOOM TOMORROW prize planetoid*, currently under construction on Metebelis 3 (Sadly, Magrathea was already booked).

Our contestants on today's edition of BOOM TOMORROW are, in no particular order:

Morgan Clark
Jeffrey Sinclair and Catherine Sakai
Ambassador Delenn
Londo, Morden, and the Shadows
Ambassador Kosh

I may or may not include a few random bonus questions as we proceed. 'Cause I'm unpredictable like that.

I. Morgan Clark

President Santiago on the news! Hope ya got a good look.

Garibaldi is a bit ahead of the game: BOOM TODAY! (points should be deducted for failing to wait until proper BOOM time, but judges may be persuaded to be lenient in light of contestant's clever detective work even though he's obviously a totally shite judge of character who apparently got to be Chief of Security on the strength of his good looks alone.)

Vice President Clark says: BOOM TOMORROW!

Vice President Clark gets his LBJ on (having been conveniently ill just in time to save his worthless hide)

Little does he know Laura Roslin copied LBJ, too. Because it's so trendy to be sworn into office on aircraft.

Bonus question 1: Clark's speech refers to "posterity yet to come." How is "posterity yet to come" different from any other sort of posterity? How shitty is Clark's speechwriter? How much of a writing fussbugdet is your humble game show host? Discuss.

Bonus question 2: If we assume that there is a St. Peter-type interviewing the newly-dead in the B5 universe, do you reckon he turned the reins over to the Department of Bitter Irony when Devereaux and his cronies showed up?

Bonus question 3. Anybody else think those links come off the hand WAY too easily?

II. Sinclair and Sakai

Sinclair executes what is possibly the most blunt proposal of all time. (Judges should consider whether or not the surprise factor earns him a few BOOM points.)

Then they break the news to Ivanova and Garibaldi.

I sincerely hope that we are now finished with the cheesy 80s-leftover Art of Noise "Moments in Love"-type soundtrack after this episode.

Bonus question: Does Sinclair have the straightest shoulders known to humanity? Discuss.

III. Ambassador Delenn

Delenn's been playing with her Plastic Triangle set again, and very intently. Just what is she up to?

Delenn visits Kosh. Note the lack of a full-face oxygen mask. What's up with that?

After Kosh exposes himself to Delenn, she says, "Now I will keep my promise." What promise? (Note that she does not say "prophecy.") Who did she make the promise to? Why? (Nota Bene: Never play "Riddle Me This" with a Minbari and a Vorlon.)

Delenn confronts our hero with a deadly triluminary and gives him an ultimatum--come see me before it's too late. (If you're too late, no state secrets for you, buddy.)

"Valen said this day would come." How shocked should Delenn be to discover she was making eyes at her great-great-great-great-great-great-ad-infinitum-grandfather? (Are we SURE she doesn't know for sure that the prophecy is about her, considering?)

And finally, the human butterfly Chrysalis.

Judges should, for this particular contestant, rank according to how much BOOM is coming, you know...TOMORROW.

Bonus question: How long do you think Lennier stood there silently weeping? Also, is there anything in Minbari culture that's not triangular?

IV. Londo, Morden, and the Shadows.

(Does that sound like the name of a band, or is it just me?)

Morden returns, just like a bad penny! Already, Vir is not pleased to see him.

Londo laughs at the idea of Morden being able to "fix" Quadrant 37. Oh, Londo...

Vir thinks Londo is crazy. Perhaps Vir deserves a few points for being so smart? (Perhaps bonus points should be awarded for anyone who can point me to a good Vir icon?)


G'Kar realizes THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE (oh, wait, wrong show...) How? Why? Why does no one else put the very tippy top of this iceberg together?

Londo rips into Morden for killing so many Narns. Oh, Londo...

Londo watches Garibaldi's surgery with Susan--perhaps to assuage his guilty conscience? (Say it with me: "Oh, Londo...")

Morden confers with his creeptastic Associates.

Bonus question: Why the heck does Vir stick with Londo, now that he knows Londo is responsible for, basically, the B5 version of 9/11 (which we are watching on ::checks calendar:: um...)?

V. Ambassador Kosh

Kosh actually shows up at a council meeting. No one seems to notice. WHY?

What does Kosh show Delenn? Could that question possibly sound any dirtier?

That's it, folks! Tally up your scores and present them below! Thanks for playing BOOM TOMORROW! Join us next week when we'll rank the top ten pyrotechnic moments caught on film!

* Most images courtesy of fyrjurai. Questions not valid in all territories. Prize planetoid and cash gift void on Earth and where prohibited by law.

s1: spoiler-friendly

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