Jan 18, 2006 12:42
In Jesus’s Name
“You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”
~John 14:14
What does it mean to pray in Jesus’s name? Let’s begin with what it does not mean.
It does not mean that we must say the words “in Jesus’s name” at the end of our prayer. We may do that. I often do. But that’s not the point. Jesus did not say: “At the end of your prayer be sure and say, ‘In Jesus’s name. Amen.’”
It is not a magic formula which we cite mindlessly to make the prayer “work.” Jesus never wants us to pray mindlessly, repeating “vain repetitions” (Matthew 6:7).
So what is Jesus telling us? To pray in Jesus’s name is to come in prayer through Jesus, through our Substitute, our Savior. We have access to God through Jesus. Through his shed blood, we have forgiveness and access to the Father. “Lord, I am coming to you in the name of Jesus. I am coming to you through his shed blood for me.” That’s what we are saying.
Moreover, Jesus is telling us to pray for the things that he would pray for if he were in our shoes. To pray in Jesus’s name is to pray consistent with his nature, with his will.
To pray in Jesus’s name is not to cite a phrase but to come to God through Jesus and to pray in the way Jesus would have us pray. We have access and clout only through Jesus.
Is it wrong to say the phrase “in Jesus’s name”? No, not at all. It can be a good reminder to ourselves. But, let’s mean it when we say it. “Lord, I come to you through Jesus.”
These daily e-mails are written by Jeff Wells, Sr. Pastor at WoodsEdge Community Church.