Author: stardust_20
Date: 24/01/08
Spoilers: All of season 3 (plus 1 and 2).
Warnings: Rated M for mature sexual content.
Characters/pairings: Ensemble cast, Adama/Roslin, Lee/Kara (eventually), OFC's.
Timeline: Story begins 8 years after season 3 ended, though it goes AU during Crossroads Part 2 before Kara returns. Tyrol, Anders and Tory don't know they're Cylons when the story begins.
Word count: 3200+
Genre: Angst/romance, general.
Disclaimer: I don't own BSG in any way, shape or form, and I make no money writing these stories.
Summary: After eight long years in transit, the survivors of the holocaust hope to find their bright, shiny futures on Earth. What they do find surprises them all, particularly Lee Adama.
Previous chapters at my journal
Cross-posted to pilotgasm
Chapter Thirteen at my journal here