Lee / Kara / Adama Dynamic (SPOILERS)

Feb 05, 2005 06:42

Living on this side of the pond Fridays are hard for me I love eps 4 & 5 because they do such a great job messing with your perceptions of Lee and Kara as a couple, as a team, as friends. It brings in so much of the complexity of Lee and Adama's relationship, and never lets you forget the human race is on the brink of falling into the abyss.

I think the thing that I find most compelling about the Lee / Kara dynamic is that i'm never 100% sure if Lee is interested in Kara or in being Kara. Lee isn't trying to be " as good " as Kara, but she is the prodigal son. She makes all the mistakes but still stands to inherit the kingdom. I love thinking about all the different conflicting emotions He must be feeling, and I really hope they don't just run straight into a hook up second season. Maybe I am a glutton for punishment, but the idea that they could really just find a place to be good friends for a while, to accept each other for all their misguided expectations of one another, that would be really cool. I"m a little tired of seeing the whole i love you but you did something as a woman that had i done as a man i wouldn't expect you to be upset about but since you are a woman and you weren't supposed to do that i am going to get all hurt and be angry at you to conceal my lust, story archs. ( besides how can Lee get his nose out of joint over a guy who shrieks like a woman... ? ) Then in 3rd season we can have all the "you were supposed to marry my brother and my dad likes you better than me but i secretly <3 you for all time" drama goodness. In season 2 I think Kara needs to have a deep personal commited relationship with her new cylon raider. Let's just hope she doesn't name him sparky.

: )



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