Emergency Landing [BSG/Monday Mornings]

Nov 30, 2013 13:49

Title: Emergency Landing (COMPLETE)
Author: sci_fi_shipper
Fandom(s): BSG and Monday Mornings
Characters: Dr. Ty Wilson, Kara Thrace, Leoben Conoy
Pairing: Ty/Kara, Kara and Leoben friendship, previous mentions of Kara/Lee, Kara/Zak, Kara/Sam
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None for Monday Mornings; all canon is fair game for BSG.
Word Count: 8105
Summary: Kara's not sure what she's doing on this strange Earth, but when she crashes her motorcycle and ends up in the emergency room being examined by Dr. Ty Wilson, it all starts to make sense.

Available unlocked on AO3.
Friends-locked on LJ in two parts: One, Two

fanfiction, author: sci_fi_shipper, rating: pg

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