Title: Echoes
Author: EcstaticDance
Summary: All of this has happened before, now we're going to see it happen again. But the Lords of Kobol want to see if they can possibly change it, so key characters have retained the echoes of memories which cause them to make different decisions, or experience things at different times, than in previous cycles.
Spoilers: All of it
Warnings: This is myth-based. Hopefully logical, but not scientifically sound.
Pairings/Characters: Kara/Lee and other, cannon pairings
Rating: M
Disclaimers: None of it is mine.
Word Count:149,453
Cross-posting: my journal
Thanks: To
workerbee73, my husband, and
ez_as_pi for beta work along the way. To
redsmirch for the beautiful artwork she made all that long time ago. To all of you who encouraged me to write, and then encouraged me to keep writing. To those who stuck with me through insane dry spells... Thank you. This is my version of how the show could have spun out. It's many parts wish fulfillment, with (hopefully) a side helping of logical progression. But it wouldn't have happened without all of you.
To my journal for consolidated links to all chapters.)