Title: Split In Two
kl_shipper1Characters/Pairings: Kara/Lee
Rating: PG
Word Count: 305
Summary: Every time she closes her eyes, she can still see him standing in that field, like she is still there with him.
Spoilers: UB flashbacks
Author's Note: Written as a prize for
word_vomity, who won a Don't Forget The Lyrics game over at
no_takebacks back when I hosted the DPPs there. Prompt used in Split In Two was "close your eyes".
Title: A Minute To Breathe
kl_shipper1Characters/Pairings: Kara/Lee
Rating: PG
Word Count: 315
Summary: Despite the fact she knows it can't possibly last (the world will keep on ending), she's content to take what she can get.
Spoilers: minor spoilers for Colonial Day
Author's Note: Also written as a prize for
word_vomity. Prompt used was "slow dancing in a crowded room".
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