Title: A Canticle for New Earth
kag523Characters: Ensemble fic, though primarily Kara / Lee and Bill / Laura-centric
Pairings: Kara / Lee, Bill / Laura, Kara / Sam, with shades of Kara / Leoben as well
Current Word Count: ~ 9,000
WARNING: Non-canon character death
Rating: NC-17 for canon-consistent levels of violence, non-canon character deaths, mature themes and sexuality.
Summary: An AU retelling of Maelstrom and beyond. Please see warnings!
Spoilers: Complete spoilers for BSG through to Daybreak. Don’t read this until you’ve watched it all.
Disclaimer: The following work of fiction is based on Ron Moore & David Eick's re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, 2003. The rights to the characters, situations and storylines from this series reside with the associated authors and studio. I make no claim to these rights, nor is this work intended for any monetary gain. It is simply a creative process.
Author’s Notes 1: This inspiration and overall plotline of this fic was suggested by
caprican_dame who was kind enough to offer to collaborate her ideas with me. The science fiction bent, multi-verse explanations and general wordiness are mine.
Author’s Notes 2: The title is in homage to the great science fiction novel A Canticle for Leibowitz, by Walter M. Miller. All references beyond that stop there. The chapter titles (and lack thereof) are in reference to the traditional English nursery rhyme “One for Sorrow”.
Chapter: One for Sorrow Chapter: Three for a Girl