Nov 07, 2004 21:23
Well, ya knew it was coming. I refrained from commenting on the election debacle for a while. Now, I must let it out. Although, I thought I handled it well. (what choice do i have down here, in Bush country?) What irked me right off the bat...people down here in GA act like it was some kind of sporting event..."Woo Hoo, my team won!!!" OK, this wasn't a Falcons game, you morons, it's our country's future. But...what can I expect? I must say...I was surprised. I honestly thought Kerry was going to win. I could never imagine so many Americans would vote for him again.
As for Ohio...(sigh) what can I say? You let me down. I agree with Fred...everyone MUST have got off their tractors to go vote. I read an article that 88% of Ohians thought Kerry would do a better job on domestic issues. 88 freaking percent. Yet...Bush wins Ohio? Oh, I marriage was on the ballot. So, let me see if I get this right..people in Ohio have lost tons of jobs, have health care costs rocketing sky high, crappy educations, and an environment that is going to hell in a handbasket. long as the homosexual down the road can't get married, who cares if you're poor? Then you won't be able to afford to go to a doctor, and you'll die. BUT, your neighbor won't be able to have an abortion if she so chooses. So it's all worth it, right?
Someday, maybe I'll understand why people care so much about what other people do. Does it affect you in some way if 2 gay guys get married? Does it make your life worse somehow? And then they hide behind religion. I actually know somebody who voted for Bush because she thinks abortion is wrong. That's fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion. But for that to be the ONLY reason you vote for him? Because you think abortion is murder...So I bring up the fact that if murder is wrong, what about the death penalty in Texas? Is that not murder? What about all the innocent children getting killed in Iraq? Is that not murder? She was speechless. Yeah, that's what I thought.
So..there's my rant. I feel better now. Hopefully, we can get through this. David Letterman makes the best jokes about the whole thing...:o)
I will post more about stuff later. My brain hurts right now. I apologize for the length of this post, i sort of went nuts.