Jul 23, 2008 15:49
Ok. This California thing is making me nuts. Mostly, I just want answers. I want to know if we're moving or staying. I'm ok either way. Here's the hold up. The guy they were going to hire, they were going to pay $100k. The other guy they just hired (he knew about the $100k, too) was just offered (and he accepted) $85k. Part of that was even though he has 10 years of experience, he doesn't have a degree. I have a degree, but I don't have 10 years of experience. I think they need to pay me $120k., they were going to offer the original guy $100k, and they offered the other new guy $85k. Why do I think I deserve that much? Well, it's a significant cost of living increase and they want ME. They came after me, not the other way around. If I don't take that job it only hurts them, not me. Could we make it on $100k? Yes. Not quite as comfortably as we make it here, but it would be doable. Could we live on $85k? Probably. We'd be able to afford a tiny apartment and that would be about it. No extras. We'd be house poor. Without a house. $120k would be equivalent to slightly nicer than what we have here after cost of living is factored in. Not to sound snooty or greedy, but what's the motivation to me and my family to uproot, sell our beautiful home, and move to a new area only to live less comfortably than where we already were? Doesn't sound like it would be much of a promotion.
Seriously, why are people so uptight about talking about money? Money is neither good nor evil. It's what you do with it and what it does to you that matter. If it takes control of your every thought, it may be an issue for you. Otherwise, it's like going to the bathroom. It's an integral part of everyone's lives. Some people go twice a day, others may go 10 times a day. Going more or less often doesn't change who you are as a person unless you let it. If I only go 3 times a day, it doesn't make me less of a person than someone who goes 4 times a day. Yes, that's right folks. I just compared money to human waste. Dollars and coins to pee and poop. Maybe it doesn't bother me because I realize that no matter how well off I am, I still have my short comings and problems. Someone will always be better off and someone else will always be worse off. I guess I've just gotten to a point where I realize that being jealous of what someone else has or earns is stupid. Especially since most people who make more than $150k/year are so far in debt, their net worths are lower than people who only make $40k/year. The whole "keeping up with the Joneses" syndrome seems much more rampant in wealthier areas. Anyway. I'm done ranting about it.