Title: Microfic Meme Pairing: Peter/Caspian Summary: Write 10 different categories of fic (angst, fluff, AU etc), each in 10 words or less. Disclaimer: All characters belong to C.S. Lewis.
I love this! It's much harder than you might think to write things with a limit -just did her own- Mind if I upload? My favourite one is the crossover. You should write that one sometime...(secretly loves Legolas)
It's much harder than you might think to write things with a limit Agree! And abbreviations help a lot in trying to keep each within ten words. *g*
You should write that one sometime I'll see if I can come up with anything. *has mental images of Caspian and Legolas discussing haircare products, with Peter rolling his eyes nearby* Legolas is my favourite in LotR too! :D
Mind if I upload? Of course not, the meme's not mine...just found it online and no one mentioned where it got started, so please do! Can't wait to read them!
Ahaha I hear you there on abbreviations -cheated some when she did hers-
OMG that'd be so awesome xDD And then maybe Saruman could boast about his silky beard to Gandalf and Peter and the hobbits would just be all *eyerolls* like you said yes ;D I think Narnia meets LotR is sounding pretty good!
Saruman could boast about his silky beard to Gandalf LOL! Saruman: *points at Gandalf's Silky Straightening Beard Shampoo commercial on TV* It should be me who's doing the commercial - that bloke's beard is not even half as shiny as mine, I tell you. All because I'm supposed to be evil!
Talking of crossovers, once I tried to do a Narnia x Harry Potter one but failed. Things just don't work, coz HP wizards are so going to overpower anyone in Narnia with their flying spellings. Whereas LotR won't have this problem. XD
AHAHAHA that'd be SO awesome xDDDD <3 -wants to see that commercial- Harry Potter wizards are just greedy then! Ahaha yes, I'd prefer LotR over them anyway <3 Although I do sometimes enjoy some Lupin/Sirius...-hides-
Haha Lupin/Sirius is one of the most popular pairing, though for HP my favourite is Snape. In fact in the failed crossover I had Snape travelling to Narnia, but then everything went downhill coz, darn, if he could disarm everyone in a sec, where could the plot go? *headdesk*
Hahaha I GUESS that could be a plot-hole...ALTHOUGH maybe he loses his wand somehow and someone would have to teach him how to use a sword instead..or something xD I doubt there would be many wizard shops in Narnia? ;D If you ever continue on said failed crossover I'd LOVE to read yesyes <3 *finds the image of Snape meeting the Narnia people awesome*
Snape wielding a sword is great fun! And being his disagreeable self, he's bound to piss everyone off.
I doubt there would be many wizard shops in Narnia? Maybe he can open one with the White Witch...is it just me or it's beginning to sound like a crack fic? lol
If you ever continue on said failed crossover I'd LOVE to read Thank you!<3 I'll try...*sniffs*
BUT CRACK FICS ARE THE BEST KIND OF ALL! Hahaha don't you think when I eventually write super!Peter it'll sound like a crack fic too? We could both write them xDDDDD
Snape and the White Witch - a force to be reckoned with! I think they'd go for world domination or something. Or maybe seeing as Snape is secretly the good guy he'll...save the lands of Narnia or something. OR BECOME THE NEW ASLAN xDD
It's much harder than you might think to write things with a limit
Agree! And abbreviations help a lot in trying to keep each within ten words. *g*
You should write that one sometime
I'll see if I can come up with anything. *has mental images of Caspian and Legolas discussing haircare products, with Peter rolling his eyes nearby*
Legolas is my favourite in LotR too! :D
Mind if I upload?
Of course not, the meme's not mine...just found it online and no one mentioned where it got started, so please do! Can't wait to read them!
OMG that'd be so awesome xDD And then maybe Saruman could boast about his silky beard to Gandalf and Peter and the hobbits would just be all *eyerolls* like you said yes ;D I think Narnia meets LotR is sounding pretty good!
Thanks, I uploaded mine n__n
Saruman: *points at Gandalf's Silky Straightening Beard Shampoo commercial on TV* It should be me who's doing the commercial - that bloke's beard is not even half as shiny as mine, I tell you. All because I'm supposed to be evil!
Talking of crossovers, once I tried to do a Narnia x Harry Potter one but failed. Things just don't work, coz HP wizards are so going to overpower anyone in Narnia with their flying spellings. Whereas LotR won't have this problem. XD
I uploaded mine
*rushes over to read*
Harry Potter wizards are just greedy then! Ahaha yes, I'd prefer LotR over them anyway <3 Although I do sometimes enjoy some Lupin/Sirius...-hides-
If you ever continue on said failed crossover I'd LOVE to read yesyes <3 *finds the image of Snape meeting the Narnia people awesome*
I doubt there would be many wizard shops in Narnia?
Maybe he can open one with the White Witch...is it just me or it's beginning to sound like a crack fic? lol
If you ever continue on said failed crossover I'd LOVE to read
Thank you!<3 I'll try...*sniffs*
Hahaha don't you think when I eventually write super!Peter it'll sound like a crack fic too? We could both write them xDDDDD
Snape and the White Witch - a force to be reckoned with! I think they'd go for world domination or something. Or maybe seeing as Snape is secretly the good guy he'll...save the lands of Narnia or something. OR BECOME THE NEW ASLAN xDD
I can't wait! <3
New Alsan!Snape? Hahaha I'm sure Snape'd enjoy it - if Aslan himself doesn't roar him all the way back to Hogwarts, that is. XD
Super!Peter would be one of the most fun ideas for crack fics! I'll try to think about mine, I will...damn, I hate writer's block. orz
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