Title: Smile Though Your Heart is Aching
Author: moviegeek03
purplehrdwonder (who is amazing and helped a lot this weekend)
Wordcount: ~2600
Characters/Couples: One sided Seblaine; Klaine
Rating/Warnings: PG; Spoilers for 5x01; Written from Sebastian’s POV
A/N: I have never written any type of Seblaine, but something happened that left me sympathizing a little too much with Sebastian. This ended up being really cathartic and helped me work through that. Title from Charlie Chaplin’s song Smile.
Summary: Sebastian would do this. He would dance his ass off, put on a forced smile, and get through it for Blaine. He would sit back and watch the guy of his dreams propose to someone else.
It felt nice, having Blaine’s arms wrapped around him. It wasn’t the first time they’d hugged. There had been congratulatory embraces after competitions and hugs goodbye after coffee in the past. But this was different. Blaine practically shook with happiness and he bounced a little on the balls of his feet. For a moment, Sebastian could convince himself it was because of him. But of course it wasn’t. It was only because he had agreed to help Blaine propose to the love of his life-who wasn’t him. It would never be him.