Fic: Beautifully Wrong (7A/12) ftm!Blaine/Kurt

Dec 18, 2012 02:00

Media: Fic
Title:  Beautifully Wrong
Author: ilovescarves89
Rating: NC-17 (overall and to be safe - most of it stays in PG-13 territory)
Characters: ftm!Blaine, Kurt, Blaine's parents, Cooper, Sebastian, Trent, various ND members, non-major OCs.
Spoilers: Up to 3.22 to be safe. Canon up to 3.05 and largely canon compliant beyond that (with some notable exceptions), but necessarily AU because of the subject matter.
Warnings (this part): Transphobia, sissyphobia
Word count (this part): 5800

Summary: Blaine is FtM (female to male transgender) and no one at McKinley knows about it, but he realizes this has to change if he wants his relationship with Kurt to survive. This fic explores different aspects of Blaine's transition and how it affects his relationships with those closest to him.
This part: It's New Year's 2011, and Blaine is in San Francisco for his appointment. Meanwhile, in 2008, 14-year-old Blaine starts high school.

A/N: I'm sorry for taking forever with this. Life and work has been kinda crazy lately. I'm not even done with the full first draft for this chapter yet, but I'm going ahead and posting this now, because people were starting to ask about it, and I felt bad. :p Thank god the Christmas crazy is nearly over, I should be able to get back to a more regular writing schedule soon-ish. But for now, enjoy this update and exepct the next one sometime between Christnas and New Year's. Title lyrics from Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' and Ben.

"It's high school. I'm not going off to war."
READ ON:  Livejournal // //  Scarves&Coffee // Tumblr //


character: blaine anderson, genre: au, character: sebastian smythe, genre: drama, author: ilovescarves89, genre: hurt/comfort, genre: angst, character: cooper anderson, media: fanfic, rating: nc-17

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