Title: Everything's Connected, If Only You Can Feel It
Characters/Fandom: Kurt/Blaine, Stoner Brett
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~5,500
Spoilers: 4.03, “Makeover"
Warnings: mentions of drug/alcohol use
Summary: Blaine takes up a new hobby in hopes of becoming closer to Kurt, despite the distance between Lima and New York. Stoner Brett turns out to be a surprisingly erudite, if flawed, mentor. Blangst with moments of humor.
A/N: Reaction fic to 4.03. Thanks to
The-Multicorn for betaing,
lavender_love00 for helping me figure out what this story was going to be about, and
punkkitten2113for encouraging me and trying to help me come up with a title in the middle of the night. You can find the canon reference to the club Blaine joins
(The poster was covered by the words 'Fixie Your Life' in all-caps Helvetica and, at the very bottom, the hand-scrawled meeting time and location.) livejournal /
dreamwidth /