Title: Exercises in Controlled Danger (three mini-fics)
Ratings: PG for the first two, NC-17 for the third
Characters/Pairings: Kurt/Blaine for all three, additional Tina/Mike in the second
Words: Just about 3500, combined (or 500, 1500, and 1500 respectively.)
Warnings/Spoilers: AU, so no spoilers. First fic involves (very low) heights; second fic takes place with one character in a state of almost nudity; the third is porn (with fingering, penetrative anal sex, and implied multiple orgasms).
Summary: In which Blaine and Kurt experiment with a different sorts of danger.
Author’s Note: All three of these are part of the stripper!verse; the first two were written specifically for prompts, and then the third just sort of happened. Fair warning for those of you going "WHEE PORN!" -- I do not write a lot of smut, have never claimed to be good at it, and freely admit that you may find the end to be an enormous cockblock. So don't expect too much out that one.
Fic 1: An Exercise in Controlled Danger
He's maybe six or so feet in the air, right foot clumsily knotted into the silks, left foot balanced on top of the knot, both hands clinging tight to the silk up above him. Fic 2: Another Exercise in Controlled Danger (the coin-operated boy)
In her heels, Tina's nearly as tall as Blaine, her face plainly visible over his shoulder, and god, they'll look good together. Fic 3: Exercises in Controlled Danger (somewhere I have never travelled, gladly beyond)
'Kurt,' Blaine says, softly, and when Kurt looks up at him, there's so much in his face, love and faith and permission, and Kurt's breath catches in his throat.