Feb 01, 2007 14:11
Why do all the cyclists these days insist in using the pavements?... usually at high speed in line abreast formation and on the side of the road where they'd need to cross oncoming traffic to get on the correct side of the road, where they should be... Also why do they always look so put out when you refuse to giveway to them thus 'forcing' them to apply their breaks, go single file, or finish letting you get through that narrow gap between the bus stop and parked cars/ railings....
This is despite the roads being extremely quiet/ and or having a cyclelane...
Oh I'd love to see some of them meet a cop having a bad day who then deals them out the £500 fine...
I'd also love to see smany motorists meet some no nonsense cops after cutting up ignoring cyclists... That way cyclists would have no excuse for using the pavement (unless they are about 6yrs old and learning to ride...)