Arg. I either feel like yelling or crying.

Oct 06, 2005 19:53

So I had a pretty lousy day. It was too cold. Lab was hell. The I went out to see the horse

Horse does not get along with Cowboy. I don't know why, he doesn't act like such a bully to other horses.
As I go into the barn I can see Cowboy in mudpen running away from horse.
I clean my stall.
I go out to get horse to find cop trying to fix fence which is COMPLETELY down. The cop said he found Cowboy loose a little ways away, brought him back and found the fence down.

So I had to call up some of you saddle club gals to help me bring in all of the horses. And then back out in the cold trying to fix the fence. We didn't finish.

I am angry at my horse. I feel so guilty. But what the hell?! He has never acted so aggressive like that. He likes girls, but he isn't studdish. He gets along with all the other horses he's been turned out with.

And to make it worse Claire is going to ride him tomorrow. I like Claire a ton, and she isn't a bad rider, but for some reason I don't like to see her ride my horse so often. He is young and he is mine, and I would like to put the training on him. I want to ride my horse tomorrow, but I already told her she could. What do I do? She is a great handler, but she ends up riding every time I want to, and that just isn't right.

Arg. I'm just a selfish person with a mean horse.

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