Aug 23, 2006 14:48
My courses seem to be good this semester...
Spanish- Yay for having spanish with Leah! The prof seems cool, he's a grad student, but he speaks ONLY in spanish for most of the time which throws me off. I also think he may not like me too much because EVERYONE speaks English in group work, and when I say one word of it, he turns to me and says "No Ingles!" I don't know about him yet...
Cultures of the World- Seems like it is going to be a blow-off class...the prof is this old guy who dances around the front of the room and speaks with a major lisp. He seems to have a good sense of humor, though, and is also an easy grader, so it should be good.
Contemporary British Literature- The grading of it seems easy enough, but the prof isn't going to be easy during class. She is going to push us, and well she should because it's a 200-level course. She's going to pick on people randomly, which scares me, but it should be okay. The prof seems cool though, really laid back, so it shouldn't be too bad.
Drama- One of my required courses for English is going to be a good class...we have a big lecture, so we won't have to talk to each other. I have already read most of the stuff we're reading this semester, but she said we were going to take different approaches, which should be interesting enough.