Title: Under the Sea
Pairing: OT5
Rating: NC-17
Length: Oneshot
Summary: When Dong Bang Shin Ki go to Bora Bora to shoot their 2nd photobook, they somehow end up on a nude beach, their clothes somehow fall off and their fun time frolicking in the sea somehow turns into a more adult playtime…
A/N: The idea came from
@ppapppa’s tweet: YH's story of today strong heart : when TVXQ got MV in borabora, they did water pole at nude beach in a perfectly nude condition. ♂ nude ♂
However, this fic was written before more information came out. I don’t think they were actually on a nude beach, apparently they were with other staff and the nakedness ended because female staff came over. But whatever, this is all fiction anyway~ ^_^
Under the Sea