Jul 15, 2003 22:28
yeah tOday is just One Of them days... things wrOng with family,things wrOng with friends, things wrOng with neighbOrs! BAH! i really just wanna gO away frOm here,... and yOur thinkin' well dOes she mean her hOme? nah away frOm NJ? nOpe. away frOm REBECCA! i wish i was sOmeOne else right abOut nOw.. im tired Of always being me. Im tired Of always being in the same fights with my parents, nd im tired Of waking up and seeing my fucking face! im tired Of Rebecca! its Official... this is bexxie ---> ( * - * ) this is bexxies brain ---> $^$#^&@!$@@ bexxie is gOing Out Of her mind! wOop woOp! whatevermim dOne sO very very dOne... by... BTW i get my permit tOmOrrOw ... yay.. pleas try tO restrain yOur happyness... boo...