so i had a badass night!!! i went with the "new" kevin to see trae. john even went! i had a fuckin blast!!!! trae was badass! i just wish i didn't have to hop over and get crushed between tables at the end. HUGE fight broke out and all hell broke loose. i swear it was SO cleche. i got a nice big black and blue mark where the tables ended up crushin me. it was a bad fight too. trae sang a bunch of my faves though. so it was badass. i had a real good time!! and dayum, his ring, watch, and necklace, WOWZA!!! dare i say BLINGAGE? i have to say for my 1st rap anything it was well worth drivin back here for. lots of fun and i will be doin it again next chance i get! i still can't believe he came to lil ol' san marcos!!!!