Jul 31, 2005 22:06
its like everytime he calls everytime i hear the simpson's theme song or smell nautica or see the word split on a clothing item or hear mariah carey's heartbreaker or we belong together or even hear forgot about dre all i can do is smiling for hours and hours.. I remember everything we do together everything we say to each other.... he smile lights up my world... when he pays i feel special i never want the feelings to go away but then he doesnt call or he doesnt come when he says he might he ingores me for other people i just want to be over this he doesnt like me back he just likes my friendship kristy what u did this week makes me realizes alot about things with joe and i he leaves on thurs and i dont know when he will get back or if when he gets back if he will still want to hang out maybe he will call before he leaves to say goodbye probly not maybe i will text him grossfarts gets back on tues i soooo need to talk to him it was sooo weird today after i went to starbucks i thought of bgrt wondering where he was i mean i knew he went on a missions trip i just wasnt sure if he left for school yet then i get to church and i am talking to sam and kristin and who do i see walking up from the second parking lot.... BGRT i was sooo excited i love that kid!!! ABBEY next time u come to ILL bring me my black hoodie please!!! aww man i still have to give chad his hoodie his name is chad michael like my chad michael murray !!!! i found out today that scott speedman might be on the new season of er i would die i just love the man!!! he want on a date with her thats all i got to say i just had to throw that out there to get it off my chest !!! i still cant believe my little cabel is married!!! well me gots to go