i love it when u call me big poppa

May 15, 2004 18:45

hey ya'll!

today wasn't that productive. i woke up late and went to beth shalom for olivia's bat mitzvah! it was jsut marvelous. that synagogue is starting to look not too bad. at first i didnt like how orthadox it is/was, but then after talking to daphna i realize its jsut like, nice. it might even be cool to belong there someday. all the jds kids go there, and shul would be so much more fun, cuz no jds kids go to shul even if they belong to my synagogue. SO ANYWAY, i hung out with daphna gabi kerry sam eliana and carlyn while it lasted. then olivia has her brunch thing and they ahd the fanciest most delicious looking desserts id ever seen. they were gorgeous. Olivia, if you read this, can u tell me who ur caterer was? thanks. so i snuck some home.

i then went on the computer (very shabbasy) and fixed the contacts in my email. they were all weird and i could never find people i wanted to send things to easily. i also found out how to select a specific group of people and send them all an email. golly, isnt the internet miraculous?

Mom eli and I all went out to Virginia so he could go over a friends, and mom and i went shopping at tysons. i was in awe of how huge that mall is. i cant remember the last time i was there, so it was exciting. i bought those cool new tevas flip flops that r just so comfy and then spent 45 min in bloomingdales trying on juicy and trying to find the color and what exactly i wanted to blow my wad of credit on. they didnt end up having the right size jacket so i decided to go try someplace else later which was probably smart. i then went into a & f and bought a mini skirt and shorts. god damn i love that store. i dont think ive bought anything there in a year or so, and i just love it so much. :). wow i cant believe im in love with a store.

At home i had dinner and now the parents left to go on a date or whatever. Which meant, i wouldnt go out and go bowling with avi and jamie and people. i hacent done anything like that in over a month and it saddens me how i keep putting my family first and im not being selfish. and how ive had to much hw and my own extracurriculars to hang out with my friends. im sry guys! thank god the summer is coming. free time at last. or not. but at least a little more free time than usual. i think im gonna do some volunteer stuff, swimteam, take voice and tap, and either a) get back into an instrument b) get back into horseback riding or c) get back into karate or kickboxing. yay!

To kill a mockingbird is an amazing book. i take back watever i said about it before.

go to http://www.ticz.com/homes/users/bob/On-A-Rock/On-A-Rock.htm to see a cool pic.

Gotta go do all my homework because tomorrow is a busy day!

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