Sep 16, 2006 20:37
today, traveler and i picked blackberries. lucky loitered nearby, so the berries were not unbeknownst to him. while traveler sampled the leaves which were surrounded by the fewest thorns, i would bring handfulls of giant, ripe blackberries to lucky, who ate them voraciously and sightlessly. years ago, traveler and i would go riding and pick blackberries, but now he is old and arthritic and his riding days are behind him. there were some huge berries that i gave traveler the option of eating first, which he enjoyed. i worried about spider nests in the bushes, but i escaped unscathed and unbitten. since the other horses were milling around the barn area, traveler and lucky and i enjoyed a secret moment of eating in the pasture, alone. just one small person and two ancient, creaking horses picking blackberries.