NaNoWriMo: One week down, three left to survive

Nov 10, 2008 19:23

I've been managing to keep myself a day or two ahead of the NaNoWriMo daily word count needs, which helps eliminate any crushing despair of being behind.  Getting a bit more done every day than strictly needed to keep up has also allowed occasional days off for gaming and such.

I even managed to turn the random "take their clothes off!" advice from a certain someone into a scene that's actually probably usable in the story.  Imagine my surprise, after I giggled long enough to decide that I'd be hopeless as a romance novelist.  Feh, I'd only be able to write comedy-romance.  Slowly.  As I died laughing.

Running tonight was probably less than a good idea, as I'm now exhausted, thinking fondly of sleep, and lacking any progress for the day.  Hopefully I can squeeze out some quick wacky stuff running on the mind sparklies of exhaustion.  We'll see, but only after the cookies come out of the oven and are devoured.  Mmm, cookies.

The weather's turned cold, which makes biking to work and Monday running spurts even more like torture.  I must remind myself of bikinis and shapely curves frequently during the mile(s).  My sinuses and lungs are probably the only parts of me that miss Florida.  The flurries sure are fun, though, especially since nothing's stuck yet.

Right, on to inventing random desert monsters to send my characters fleeing.  I don't feel so deep right now.
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