Mar 14, 2004 12:33
Everyone's doing it and I didnt want to be left out ;P
If you know me as Rebecca you are My nan (or the Italian side), a teacher or some authoritive figure. Oh and Tom. I keep trying to make him stop. He's known me since I was a baby!
If you know me as Bex, you could actually be anyone. You probably know me online, from uni or we're good friends.
If you know me as Becky you know me as a friend from School, college or work.
If you call me Becca you're family or my best mate Kate.
If you know me as Beckay! you're my other best mate katie or her family.
If you know me Specky/Spex/Specky-Lou you are my brother. Or katie again, since she coined the name.... -_-;;
If you know me as Katie's Friend, you know me from school.
If you know me as Bexay, you're Sassay, Moonay, Sillay or you know me from lj, and since you're reading my lj....
If you know me as Sexy Bexy, you're probably Cho, or just as weird...
If you know me as Mum you're Will
If you know me as Wife you're Sil, Oce, Angel, msybe Ned and hardly ever Chibs.
If you know me by Bex Wilks you've written to me.
If you know me as O.o you're Sallymandery... Whee Super!Sally!
If you know me as Bexter/Bexifer/Pet that's chat's fault for chucking me out and keeping my name.
If you know me as B.R.Cobble you know me from FAP
If you know me as BRC you know me from
If you know me as Bexter/Little Bex/Little Becky you're Abby.
If you know me as Marigold you're Becky, Abby or that weird james guy and you have a good memory.
If you know me as Bitch and a number of insults, you're my brother again.
If you know me as 'OMG what happened to your face?!' you've seen me on the streets :P
I make I laurgh.
Wonder if I missed anything out? I'm sure I have....
Edit (i keep editing coz I find more names....)
If you know me as Egg you're my computer, you've been on my computer or you're Katie.