bexy? hopeful?

May 04, 2007 18:12

i am actually....perhaps in the same way i still believe in love at first sight...rare does not mean something ceases to exist. Referring to good people in our government making a difference! I'm not speaking of Moore or Feingold in this particular instance, but of presidential canidate Mike Gravel. Here he is on colbert. For something of a bit more substance, he was also interviewed on Truthdig which is available as a transcript and a podcast.

and here's the best summation of Obama I have yet to see.

add to that his dodgy relationship with chicago slum lord (even subsidizing the asshat with tax payer money) obama can go suck a fuck!!! i say if they drag us into iran, we need a draft reserved for all the asshole pundits vying for it, ceo of halliburton, any government officials who voted for it, all staff of faux news, the times, etc.

And, on that whole George Tenant thing, how many different ways can one say 'Thank you sir, may i have another.'
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