What are the chances- I just discovered the 'My LJ' page and it imediately informed me that it's
vintagequeen88's birthday today! Happy Birthday! And then I looked on your journal and you passed your driving test on the same day as me! Congratulations! Go us! And go random coincidences! :D
Today...has been decidedly boring, I'm not used to having days off! Beth was in Leicester and Tilley went home so I had the day to myself, and now Beth's staying over at someone else's house and Tilley's staying at home so I'm home alone for the night. Thus I've been starved of human contact- rang a few people before just so I could talk to someone! I really need to make some friends in Loughborough, it's just there's hardly the opportunity to meet people outside of the small group we always mix in and they probably want a day off from me too! Tilley's from Loughborough so she's got loadsa friends here and Beth knew a lot of people before she came; I'm just kinda stuck. Ah well, I need to write lots of cards and letters anyway.
In more positive news, yesterday I went bowling with the blaze which was a lot of fun! I've missed them so much over Christmas. I was with the older ones which was nice because I don't tend to know them as well- they usually look after themselves but they're a great group. And I won :D which was even better! Didn't get back until after 10:30 though, which is horrendously late for that lot- we're usually done by 9! Ah well, twas all worth it. hehehe
I'm gonna go cook me a pizza