Apr 25, 2007 15:22
On the 20th of April 2007 at 5:53am little Isabel Marie Flanagan came into our life. At 7.7 pounds (3.38 kg's) she came out perfect.
Pains started at around 2am on thursday, slept until 7am, but felt like my waters had broken so went to mums and we decided it was time. We arrived at hospital at 10am and waited for quite a bit, recieved 2 internals and was told i was 2cm dilated. At 7:30pm i was experiencing nasty contractions and i was still only at 2cm dilated, so the doctor pierced the rest of my waters (the forewaters) The hindwaters had broken while i was at home. So from then i progressed to 5cm dilated shortly after. So i moved into the shower, where i got in and out for hours and hours. Started to become really awful pains and i was moaning in the shower, andrew kept checking on me...
The midwife suggested i have some gas, so we moved into the birthsuite. The gas was quite hard to breathe in. You needed a huge breath to get it, considering i had no energy it seemed easier to breathe the contractions out than to breath the gas. Sharon Johnson (midwife) at warren district hospital was amazing. When i found myself screaming *i cant fucking do this any more* she was there saying *yes you can*. I know that sounds silly, but those words made all the difference and i am so very grateful to sharon.
I progressed to 7cm dilated, but was still only at 7cm at 4am. I think the worst thing was the fact that at 7cm my body wanted to push and it was trying to but it wasnt time and if i had forced myself to push im sure i would of torn. Sharon made me walk around and stand in the shower so that i put pressure on my cervix, to hurry it along. It was soo hard to stand, to get off the bed to walk... But she helped me. Finally they rang the doctor and he did and internal and i was fully dilated. Finally i could push a wave of relieve rushed over me. Somewhere in my story i got a needle of pethadene and a local anaesthetic downstairs, but im a bit fuzzy on when exactly. I also bit andrew, i think it was on my final push i grabbed his hand and gnawed on it, and he screamed. The doctor told me to feel the head, this gave me a burst of energy to push the last of the way. So at 5:53am Isabel Marie Flanagan was born.
She so perfect. Now im off to spend time with my Andrew and our baby
love you all