(no subject)

Nov 07, 2008 16:26

The city does exist

Player's Name: Laura
Player LJ: dismentality
AIM or Email: Reap the Pyre | sinfulroses@gmail.com
Timezone: EST
Other Characters Played (at Template): Hikaru Hitachiin [Original] - deviousintent
Merton Dingle [Original] - gothicreverie
George Weasley [Original] - gredn0tforge
Guy Cecil [Original] - justtheservant
Draco Malfoy [Original] - purelineage

Character: Endrance [Kaoru Ichinose]
Series/Fandom: .Hack//G.U.
Original or Template version: Original

Age: 20
Gender: Male, though he is somewhat androgynous.
Species: "Data" (to elaborate, he is human, but in the form of his character PC from an online game know as The World)
Sexuality: Gay, oh so very gay- especially if your name is Haseo

Link to picture/PB of character: Pic
If there is one good way to use in describing Endrance, it is 'feminine'. He may be almost impossibly tall, standing at 6'4" and yes, male... But that seems to be where it ends.

He wears tight fitting, well-decorated, purple armor with intricate tracery, and matching gloves and boots. Around his waist, he has what looks like an extremely wide, red belt, with a longer, white 'half-skirt' overtop of it. The skirt is almost like a half-cape, and has decorative golden bulbs at the tips of it. On his head, he wears a matching purple hat with three red roses on the brim.

Weight-wise, he is very thin, weighing only 145 pounds (Even though he is over six feet tall). To further his 'girlish' appearance, he has long bluish-purple hair with the bangs falling to cover one eye, divided into three sections, that are kept in place by three decorative clips at the tips. He had violet eyes and anyone looking at him wouldn't be able to help noticing that he always appears dazed, as if he is living in a dream. His expression makes him seem very 'out there', and he carries himself in a way that indicates such.

Overall, he appears graceful, yet also very lost, and often surrounds himself with red rose petals, which he stirs around himself in a breeze.

Endrance is almost completely incapable of taking care of himself. Although he is loyal (To the point of taking on stalker-esque characteristics), and desires to protect what he loves, he still lacks enough independence. He fears being left lone, and always wants to feel needed by somebody. Without someone to need him, he believes his life has no real meaning. To most, he seems distant, even cold, and probably uncaring, though he can act almost shy at times.

The truth is that he is still learning how to care. As a result of a traumatic experience, he is relearning how to feel. As well as all of this, he is somewhat obsessed with beauty (while under the control of AIDA, he once called everyone 'nothing but ugly dolls'). His biggest fear, next to being alone, is being too weak to protect those that are important to him.

Unexpectedly, he is very knowledgeable about love, and what it means to be in love. Due to his own devotion, he understands the concept and believes it should be shared. Should you ask him about it, he will bombard you with glowing descriptions of how it feels to be in love, and how one should act towards those that they love most.

Also, in his world, Endrance was known as an 'Epitaph user'. This means he has the ability to summon an Avatar (these are similar in appearance to giant machines, but only other Epitaph users can see them). His is called 'Macha- the Temptress'.

Finally, he does take a darker stance towards those who relish in their sin. Sakaki, for example, he viewed as a person with a deep ugliness inside. He may hold outer beauty in reverence, but that doesn't mean that inner beauty (or ugliness) escapes him.

Fighting abilities aside, Endrance's greatest strength is his loyalty to Haseo. It's likely that he would sacrifice anything for something he truly cares about, even if it's for a stupid reason.

As well as that, he is also an excellent fighter, and is also very fast. His sword, the 'Tempting Rose', has the ability to charm others into attacking their own team mates. Summoning Macha is another ability of his, though he won't do it unless he absolutely has to.

"I like you, Haseo... So, please, don't leave me alone."

Clearly, one of his weaknesses, if you take it literally, is Haseo. He is all Endrance cares about, and he wouldn't think twice about dying for him. His own inability to take care of himself is also a weakness.

Endrance will take his devotion too far, wanting desperately to have someone to care about-- being all alone, his greatest fear, is also his greatest weakness.

'Endrance' himself is only a character in an online game known as 'The World', played by a twenty year old net-addict named Kaoru Ichinose. He is entirely dependent on his mother, and was the player responsible for the character 'Elk' seven years ago.

While playing as Elk, he was friends with a cat named Mia. She meant everything to him. To Endrance, Mia was his very reason for existing, and he would have done anything to protect her. Everything fell to pieces the day CC Corp deleted her right in front of him. He no longer felt that his life had any purpose, and was most vulnerable at that time.

Playing as 'Endrance' seven years after, he was approached by another cat. In his state of mind, he mistook her for Mia, and treated her as such. The truth was that it wasn't a cat, but an AIDA (Artificial Intelligence Data Anomoly) that was possessing him and slowly draining away his emotions. Endrance found this out, but didn't care. Anything was better than being left all alone again.

Using his Avatar, Macha, he quickly climbed the ranks of the arena, reigning as Emperor of the Demon Palace before he was finally defeated by Haseo. The AIDA 'cat' was destroyed, and so was Endrance's new reason for existing. He sunk into depression and took to wandering the Mac Anu streets asking where Mia was, before finally freezing himself under a lake. He still loved playing 'The World', but he no longer knew why. SakuBo (Saku being his personal fangirl) came to visit, but ended up possessed by AIDA herself after an incident with an 'AIDA server'.

Around this time, Haseo came to ask if he would fight in the Holy Palace Tournament with him. He data drained the AIDA from SakuBo and gave Endrance a lecture. In it, he said four words that would leave Endrance indebted to him forever: "I need your help". Since it was the first time anyone had ever said they needed him for anything, he immediately considered Haseo to be the new object of his affections.

Instead of giving him an answer there and then, Endrance showed up during a match against Bordeaux, late, but still in time to save Haseo from being infected by AIDA. From then on, he was completely in love with him. He considered every moment spent with Haseo to be bliss.

Though he never actually cared much about the AIDA problem itself, he chose to continue following Haseo. They defeated Sirius in the arena, and not long after that, it was discovered that there was trouble at a guild named 'Moon Tree'.

They took care of everything there, but unfortunately, the cause of the trouble, Sakaki, escaped. They were forced to pursue him, and defeated him after he infected himself with AIDA. It wasn't long after that when they discovered that the cause of the Lost Ones, and perhaps even AIDA itself, was none other than Haseo's old guild master, Ovan.

Lending his strength to Haseo once again, they finally won against him (Even if he wasn't gone for good.) Endrance continued to follow Haseo's lead, learning more about himself in doing so. It was safe to say that he was hardly the same person he once was.

He finally took some initiative of his own when it turned out that Sakaki was alive and responsible for starting a PK tournament. Hard as it was for him, he pretended to betray Haseo and join with the infected Emperor of the Sage Palace, Taihaku. His reason for doing it was to get the chance to stab Sakaki in the back.

The only problem was that when he did that, the AIDA infection from Sakaki flowed outwards, forcing his consciousness apart from his body in the real world. The result was his own death, but it was the least he would have done for Haseo.

*I'll be playing him without his memories of being here before!

Sample Journal Entry:
This city... It is nothing like the dungeons in the world. It lacks the beauty, more so than the most wretched area I have ever been to.

[He is just standing there, looking, if anything, a bit dazed.]

A glitch... We aren't able to access our menus, but I don't think it was Sakaki's doing... Were we truly in The World, things would feel different...

It's ugliest extends far beyond boundaries... [He's talking more quietly now.] Haseo... I'm only glad you can't see it. I may not be useful to you here, but there is... [Looks the slightest bit sad as he says it.] --there is a solace in knowing you aren't effected...

Sample Roleplay:
For a very rare moment, Endrance was at a lost of words. Nothing could quite describe this feeling, this emptiness that extended beyond the true meaning of emotion. It couldn't be kept inside, but at the same time, it couldn't be expressed.

It was the feeling of being alone in the world- the real "world", as opposed to the online game he so adored. Countless hours may have gone into his fictional World, yet the real one held little to keep his interest. There was no way to contact Haseo here; No e-mail, no menus, no controller...

But somehow, he was still his character. Kaoru Ichniose was not Kauro Ichinose here. Instead, he was still Endrance- The Temptress and the Sixth Phase. Nothing could explain it. Nothing, not even the fleeting moment he had when he worried he might be trapped in a nightmare-- a coma induced by the corrupted data in The World.

This was worse than a coma.

He watched as a crowd passed him by, not even taking notice.

Yes, this was far worse than a coma.

It was a challenge he finally felt he would struggle with, for the real world is nothing like a game. It was the real world that he was inexperienced in. In a game, you worked hard to gain levels. Everything required to do so is provided, and you had only to follow the instructions.

It was simple.

What rules might one follow in a world they've scarcely ventured into? A "world" outside his World of choice.

Did you read the rules, Yes/No: B|

*application, *ooc

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