Sep 12, 2010 16:58
Twelve Characters I Love
1. Edwin Martinez
2. Madeleine Torres
3. Kazehiro Garcia
4. Ava Raigejikin
5. Juliana Rivera-Casillo
6. Andrew Martinez
7. Tasnuva Maroun
8. T.J Santiago
9. Tamara Romero
10. Mathangi Ahmed
11. David Sanchez
12. Anthony Casillo
1. If [6] was involved with both [7] and [4] how would [7] and [4] react when they found out about one another?
So Andy to have a swinging relationship with both Tasnuva and Ava? Well, I'd like to say poor Ava. Andy and Taz already share a bond that can easily set off fuses if anyone picked on them, due to them being hardly inseperable. But if they didnt know eachother epically before; then still poor Ava cause Taz is dangerously...possessive with what she see is hers and if it went to that far extent, someone get a hoodoo voodoo curse and get harmed physically one way or another .__.
2. [2] and [5] are saying their vows when the doors are thrown open and [11] marches in demanding that the ceremony stop because [11] is in love with [5] and cannot let them marry [2]. Does [5] go back to [11] or stay with [2]?
Alright lesbian marriage B) Alright if this was a situation and Daddy Sessh couldnt make his way to ruin or step in any further, Juli would still stay with Madi because if she was with psycho David and left him for a girl; that honestly takes the cake. So sorry David, no guidette pussy for you :<
3. [7]has a phobia that involves [1]. What is the phobia?
Hmm. Taz has a fear that involes Edwin. Maybe lionphobia. Strudel's one wild and crazy pussy .
4. [9] and [12] are having a movie marathon night. What movie does [9] pick and what movie does [12] pick? Is [12] happy with [9]'s pick and vice versa?
Anthony would go for some like the Rush Hour set or something with Chris Tucker in it most likely and Tamara would settle for Sweet Home Alabama or something of that genre. Anthony would be able to bear through with it and so woudl Tamara so no arguements or fights, whatsoever<3
5. [10] is in an unhappy relationship with [4] and realizes that he/she should be with [2] instead.
Well TJ's a whore and it possibly would never work out with Madi because she is too older and mature to deal with his shennagigans. SO he'd try to make it work with Ava or make a clean break from it all and be single~
6. [3] is pregnant with [9] baby. How does [5] react?
LOL. She'd prolly ask how she did it and make Justin the carrier of her babies, lulz.
7. Does [3] handle commitments well?
Of course he does. Tries his best to show colors just like his dear daddy EVEN THOUGH he has him shown in different ways :3
8. If [12] suffered from a mental disorder what would that disorder be?
Hmm, I'd say ADHD. He is personally hyper and has potential to frak out and get easily distracted.
9. [1] sees [4] with [8] and knows that [8] is involved with [6]. Does [1] tell [6] that [8] is cheating or does [6] deserve to find out on his own?
Edwin would rather watch from the sidelines and enjoy fireworks. He's still a asshole in some regards :3
10. [11] is set up by [10], on a blind date with [7]. Does the date go smoothly, and has [11] decided that he/she wants to kill [10] before the date has ended? it does not. It's a recipe for disaster. And yes, he'd killed his fellow hispanic for setting him up on a date with a quote "towelhead".
11. [2] and [3] have been dating for a year. Where does [2] choose to pop the question?
Never, she doesn't believe women should propose. Only men should >:0
12. [9] wants to end their relationship with [5]. How does [9] choose to do so? Heartbroken [5] has a one night stand with [3].
Well they can end their friendship/family relationship if they were both checking Kaze out. She'd prolly attack her and confront her at the next family meeting because you know guidettes want all that attention.
13. [11] and [12] married. How does [12] handle [11] death?
Yay, another gay but confusing marriage 8D! Well...considering Davids abit racist towards African Americans, like his dad. Anthony would be happy and free and find someone who'd treat him right and forget alll about David :3
14. If there was one thing [7] could change about their life what would it be?
Not trust Aaron in the beginning >:0 And MAYBE try not to have those bloody thoughts of every girl he was with in her head...
15. If [5] could say anything to [10] what would they say?
"Let's go the internet and watch orgies"
"Fuck yeah!"
16. A drunken [8] comes home and finds [1] in bed with [11]. How does [8] react?
LOL. Well, she would bea sloppy drunk and get upset first but then try to make her way in between for when shes a sloppy drunk, shes just a sleaze as well xD
(But seriously this question is LOL)
17. Is a sweet love scene between [6] and [9] possible?
NO. That's not allowed! Jordan have a fit and I'm sure Tami would too D:<
18. [7] and [4] are bitter rivals. What made them rivals?
Ava trying to take Taz's man away. Like question one XD
19. Is a happily ever after possible for [1] and [12]?
No. Edwins dad would basically almost kill Anthony and beat the shizz-nits out of Edwin for..swaying that way :<
20. [4] undergoes a gender-swap. Who would he/she sleep with first? [6] or [5]?
Well's he/she would be fucked if she went with I guess Taz but then..he/she would have to deal with Aaron.........
21. If [7] had to be stuck on a island with [2] or [3] which would [7] choose? Why?
She would choose Madi because for the reason being, she has a older sister/mommy feel. She cooks, cleans, package for everything. WHO wouldnt want that?
22. [1] and [2] are romantically involved when [1]'s original love, [11] returns from the dead. How does [1] handle the person's return?
Well, I dont think Edwin would get the chance to see his amor. Because the minute his dad finds out first, Davids...surely dead for sure.
23. [9] is forced to choose who will live between [3] and [6]. Which one does [9] choose to live?
Tammy would chooseee Andy. Because he's a cool guy and has a tolerant attitude about life..more then Kaze does past his secret obsession for getting things at Walmart lol xD
24. [7] falls in love with [5]. When [7] gets the opportunity to be with [5] he/she is happy... until he/she finds out that [5] is only using him/her to get close to [1].
Taz would get mad, very very mad and argue it out and then leave and cry and avoid Juli like fuck forever. ...There's nothing funny about this o.o WELL kinda is. Juli would get black dick and what white girl turns that down?