Title: Growing Pains
Author: Jay (bewarethespork)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters/Pairings: Seventh Doctor, Ace, hints of Seven/Ace towards the end
Rating: PG for very mild language
Spoilers: Dragonfire, Remembrance of the Daleks, The Greatest Show in the Galaxy, Battlefield, The Curse of Fenric
Disclaimer: These are not the copyright holders you are
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You captured the Seven/Ace dynamic perfectly! I've been on a Seven kick lately watching all the stories and this was refreshing.
I've been working my way through Seven's serials as well. He was my favourite Doctor after just one serial (The Curse of Fenric), and every new one I see just makes me love him more.
Thankfully I have digital cable/satellite and a quick intraweb speed.
I wish I was there too most of the time.
May I say that your icon is rather hypnotizing...
The icon was made by yours truly using pictures from potterpuffs and is free for use with credit.
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