Title: Letters
Author: Jay (jaythenerdkid/bewarethespork)
Fandom: Garth Nix - Old Kingdom trilogy
Characters/pairings: Nick/Lirael
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Spoilers: The entire trilogy, I suppose.
Prompt: From
mercredigirl: Garth Nix's Abhorsen: The Creature in the Case, Nick/Lirael, love and the Wall.
Disclaimer: These are not the copyright holders you were looking for.
Author's Notes/Summary: Letters between Lirael, Daughter of the Clayr, and Nicholas Sayre.
I've never tried writing a fic in this style before, but the idea came into my head and just wouldn't leave. I hope you like it.
Letter from Nicholas Sayre to Lirael, Daughter of the Clayr
Delivered via a very frightened messenger to Abhorsen's House, The Old Kingdom
Dear Lirael -
Did you know, they taught us to write personal correspondence at school, and yet, I have sat here with this quill in my hand for almost an hour, quite unable to think of what to say. Next time I speak to my father, I shall be sure to thank him for such a splendid and useless education.
I do wish you lot over in the Old Kingdom would hurry up and invent the ballpoint pen. This quill and ink business is far too messy. I do hope this ink washes out, by the way, for I've managed to get some on the cuff of my favourite shirt. My mother will be furious if she sees.
Look at me, waffling about nothing. You must think me incredibly foolish. I can't say I remember ever doing anything in front of you that would change that opinion, either. Just my luck that the only times we ever run into each other, I'm either possessed by an evil spirit from the dawn of time or being chased by Dead things, hmmm? I hope that Sam at least speaks well of me to you, so that you don't think I'm a complete idiot. I really am cleverer than I appear, I promise.
I've made a right mess of this letter. I was actually writing to ask, do you think it might be possible for me to visit you? In your Old Kingdom, I mean. I thought it'd be nice to catch up, you know, exchange stories of our lives and whatnot. It's been a while since we've seen each other. You can tell me all about your work, though I expect that after a day of fighting off the Dead and such, the last thing you'd want to do is talk about it. Anyway, it really would be nice to see you.
I hope to hear back from you soon, whenever your work permits. Does Sam's mother work you terribly hard?
Yours sincerely,
Nicholas Sayre
Letter from Lirael to Nicholas
Sent by Charter-sending to the Wall, examined by border quarantine officers, and then mailed without a stamp
Attached: one Old Kingdom visa and an elderly-looking map
Dear Nicholas,
I'm afraid I don't know what a ballpoint pen is. Is that a kind of quill? Sam has explained to me about Ancelstierre technology, but since none of it seems to survive for very long here, I haven't seen much of it.
I asked my sister if you could visit, and she got all the necessary paperwork for me. I suppose there are many advantages to being related to the royal family. The visa will get you past the border, and the map should get you to Abhorsen's House, though you'll need to take a guide with you.
Bring warm clothes; it's winter here.
Letter from Nicholas to Lirael, written on Ancelstierre paper
Delivered in pieces to the Royal Palace
Blasted Old Kingdom paper is hard to get a hold of, you know. Think you could ask Sam to send me some? I don't even know if this letter will get to you in one piece. Shame you chaps haven't invented the telephone yet, either.
Listen, I'm thinking of visiting again. Term break is in a week, and I'll be at a bit of a loose end when it comes. I don't want to be a bother, but if you wouldn't mind me imposing on your hospitality again, I thought I might spend a bit of the break over with you lot.
Let me know, will you?
Letter from Lirael to Nicholas
Postmarked Bain Post Office, covered in far too many stamps
You could try using Charter Magic. I could teach you the marks for a long-distance speaking spell if you like.
Border guards have your visa. Sam says he's looking forward to seeing you.
Letter from Nicholas to Lirael
Currently resting under Lirael's pillow
Lirael -
You know, I sometimes give a bit of thought to coming and living in your Old Kingdom for a little while. Air's probably much cleaner than it is in Ancelstierre, for one. Motorcars are very convenient, but the smoke they emit is positively noxious.
Does it ever strike you that this is an odd way to carry on a relationship? Letters and occasional visits and these Charter-spell things and so on. It feels strange to me, that the person I think about constantly is someone I hardly ever see. It doesn't seem right.
Er, not that this is necessarily a relationship. Unless you think it is, of course. Which you might not. Or you might. I don't know. Do you?
I've gone and made a right pig's ear out of this, haven't I?
Charter-spelled message from Lirael to Nicholas
Received by border patrol guards, transcribed and posted
Luckily for you, Nicholas, I think I understood what you were trying to say.
Why don't you come and visit over your summer holidays? Might be nice for you to see the Old Kingdom during a time other than winter. Abhorsen's House is really quite lovely in the spring. Do you think your parents would mind if you spent quite a bit of your holiday here? The fresh air would do your asthma a lot of good, I think.
Letter from Nicholas to Lirael
Slightly battered from constant re-reading
I expect this is entirely wrong-headed of me, but did you know I worry about you, sometimes? Going out and fighting the dead and all that. I'm sure that your sister the Abhorsen makes sure you don't come to harm, but all the same, it's rather chilling to think about.
I'm not much good at this feelings lark, you know. I was never tested on how to tell the girl of my dreams I'm madly in love with her when I was at school, after all. How would I say that, anyway? Where would I even start? I expect I'd need to try my hand at poetry or something.
Do you like poetry? I don't think I've ever asked.
Letter from Lirael to Nicholas
Kept in a safe box in Nicholas' bedroom, often taken out and re-read
I love you too, idiot.
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