Yuletide practice time!

Oct 25, 2010 17:04

I want to sign up for Yuletide this year, but I haven't written anything in a while, so I'm thinking it might be good to practice a little. So here's my request to you, my darling flist: in the comments, give me a prompt, and I'll write you a ficlet. The prompt can be anything you like - a scenario, a pairing, a word or phrase, a song lyric, whatever you like. You can be as detailed or as vague as you want.

There's one catch: because this is Yuletide practice, I don't want prompts for large fandoms. That means no Doctor Who, no Merlin, no Harry Potter and no Chaser. I love writing for all those fandoms, but I'm not going to be getting any of them for Yuletide. So, in true Yuletide spirit, here's a list of fandoms I'll write for:
  • Discworld (City Watch, Witches, Wizards, Moist von Lipwig, Death and Susan)
  • David Eddings (Belgariad/Malloreon, Elenium/Tamuli)
  • Tamora Pierce (Tortall books)
  • Garth Nix (Abhorsen Trilogy, Keys to the Kingdom series)
  • Frasier
  • How I Met Your Mother
  • Good Omens
  • Castle
  • Halo (yes, seriously)
Any and all requests for these fandoms are welcome - and if you can think of another obscure fandom that I enjoy but haven't listed, please feel free to ask and I may be able to fill your prompt anyway. I'll write any characters and any pairing (yes, even characters and pairings I dislike), but I can't promise any level of explicitness, nor can I promise a minimum length of anything more than 100 words. (Yes, I know, Yuletide has a 1000 word minimum - but Yuletide also assigns me only one recipient!)

So, have at it! I promise to respond to all prompts eventually (though actual time taken to respond will depend on RL commitments, such as the huge list of chores I'm supposed to be doing right now and the Halo Reach daily challenges I still haven't completed). Thanks in advance! :)

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fannish stuff: fic, lj: meme tiem nao

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