Let's clear the air here, shall we?
Things I am:
- A political conservative
- A believer in private education and healthcare as part of a mixed private/public system, where people with the means to do so can invest in private education and healthcare to free up places in the public systems for people who can't afford to do so
- A strong supporter of a
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Isn't this ad disgusting? This appeals to the base instincts on xenophobia which are, sadly, pervasive in Australian identity. And as a Muslim yourself, how do you feel about this?
If it weren't serious, this tv ad would be quite funny :) Oh the irony - Iraqis invading Australia? Haha.
As for the racism - the day the left side of politics stops being just as (albeit subtly) racist as the right, I'll be willing to entertain that particular discussion. For now - if you think that the only people who've ever yelled racist insults at me in the street or told me to "go back to where I came from" voted Liberal, then...
Who refused to apologize to the Stolen Generations? Which MPs boycotted that day in parliament? Tampa affair? Supporting Allan Jones in the Cronulla race riots?
Sorry if I've offended you, just wanted to ask a few questions which I thought should be asked.
Look, I don't even know you, its only through mutual friends that I got to your facebook page with your blog link. So please don't get agitated, my comments weren't supposed to be a personal attack on your beliefs, I just thought another point of view would add to your discussion.
I guess we will just agree to disagree - I didn't think I'd be setting up a LJ account!
happy blogging :)
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