Title: Cautionary Tales for Incautious Children
Author: Jay (bewarethespork)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters/pairings: Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond
Rating: G
Warnings: Meta, stuff 'sploding, more meta
Spoilers: None, really, unless you don't know who Eleven and Amy are.
Disclaimer: These are not the copyright holders you were looking for. "[x] is
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Unless you follow the Theory of Narrative Casuality :D
...okay, seriously now.
THIS IS SO BRILLIANTLY WRITTEN. It's so Moffat-ish, and just... Amazing.
I applaud you, ma'am. You are an amazing writer <3
Thank you very much for your lovely review! I'm glad you enjoyed the story. :)
Not that I've read them all. But I will, and I bet they're all equally awesome :D
I think Witches Abroad centres almost completely on the Theory of Narrative Casuality. It's all about fairy tales, anyway.
Fffff no problem :D Just keep writing awesome stuff.
Which reminds me, I had an idea for a fic that I really need to work out. BUT SCHOOL IS DRAINING ME ARGH.
They should both write an episode of Doctor Who btw. IF NEIL GAIMAN DOES IT, WHY NOT ROWLING.
Carpe Jugulum is amazing. I don't know which one is my favourite. I think Going Postal :D THEYRE ALL SO GOOD.
Also, Starship UK = obvious Discworld reference.
My favourite books in general are the Watch ones, but really I am mad about all of them. :D
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