Hey guys! Sorry I'm late! BF wanted to 'go out' and 'be social' last night. Sigh. But I've now watched the ep so here are my thoughts!
(All the spoilers)
Is it weird that I keep feeling uncomfortable about Dean drinking out of something Bobby’s soul is housed in? I know it doesn’t work that way, but still.
LOL! I kinda like Bobby’s haywire ghost powers. And yes!!! Finally getting back to the main season arc! I am not completely in love with the Levis but I miss the great forward motion that we had in some of the earlier parts of the season so an overarching plot has got to help.
Alright, as far as the Levi big plan goes, I don’t mind this. Is it the most creative thing in the world, no, but I like that it’s not just ‘wipe out humanity so we can run this joint’ and it sort of mixes that base predator thing that Levis have with the more corporate (human) mindset. It’s what humans have done with a lot of livestock animals, so why not? (Side note, I am an ardent carnivore, that was not a dig at meat-eating, it’s just a fact) I’d still like some explanation for why humans and not, say, cows, which are already cultivated, larger, meatier, and easier to control than humans, but for the most part I’m cool with this explanation of their big plan. (I feel like the writers didn’t really have a clue where they were going with these Baddies from the start so they’re just making it up as they go along - anybody else??)
On the other hand - seriously boys, you didn’t know any of this stuff, even about the food places Dick bought. Didn’t Frank call with a big giant list of shit Dick bought every week and keep you up to date? I seem to remember that. Also, damn, that’s a lot of cut-shots, director person.
Felicia Day kind of looks like Karen Gillan from the nose up. Seriously, BF walked in on that part and actually thought it was a Dr. Who ep :D
I both appreciate and believe that Frank would have set up a fail-safe for his computer if it was ever hacked.
Liked the “Death Star” transition to her wearing a Leia shirt *thumbs up*
Confession - I totally dance in elevators.
Home-chick has a sweet cubicle. And realistically sized, I might add.
“If you cannot score at a reproductive rights function, you simply cannot score.” LOL!
“I love you.” “I know.” \o/ Someone in the writers room had a lot of fun this ep.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the actor who plays Dick is fantastically cast.
“You’re kinda completing me now, Charlie.” :D
I would keep quoting all the things Charlie says that I love, BUT THAT WOULD BE ALL OF THEM!
OMG, do not go for girls, but this chick is awesome, I might be motivated to become heteroflexible for that.
Still not digging on the ghost makeup. Do ghosts actually have to be pasty? I mean, I guess they’ve established that with so many spirits before that they can’t go back now, but still.
I love the March of Dimes folder on Frank’s computer.
Whoever directed or edited or whatever this ep was having a lot of fun with their post-production tools.
Holy crap, I feel like an idiot. Just put it together during that voice-over that Frank is Gibbs from Pirates of the Caribbean. It’s really obvious now, but I had not worked that out before /slow on the uptake.
Still have Walking on Sunshine stuck in my head.
Alright, on the one hand, I like the idea that there are some people who are uncopy-able. On the other hand, we’ve already proven that the boys can be copied and yet we spent the first five seasons of this show establishing that the Winchesters are base-level, down in their blood different from other people. And that was before all of the raised from hell angel-condom stuff. Really? You can copy that but you can’t copy Bruce Springsteen? These are things that do not make sense to me.
I want everything that Charlie owns. The End.
Oh, fake commercial? Ok…
“What are the chances I see everything on that drive and Dick lets me live anyway?” THANK YOU FOR NOT MAKING THE SMART PERSON DUMB FOR THE SAKE OF PAT DIALOGUE!
Alright, that’s it, I’m over dudes, marry me Charlie! It’s legal here in NY! And I have an adorable cat with a comicbook character name! We were made for each other.
Damnit, Bobby! Also, boys, you might want to keep a closer eye on the haunted object your pseudo-father’s ghost inhabits.
“I sing when I’m nervous, don’t judge me.” It’s ok, Dean does the same thing on planes.
OK, I was wrong, not over dudes because SAM!!! The HP love!!! And she was totally about to get into ship-wars and YES ALL OF THIS FOREVER! Maybe we can move to Utah and Sam, Dean, Charlie and me could get our bigamy on?
Dean’s face when she tells them she’s a lesbian. LOL! If this is the kind of flirting advice Sam got as a kid it’s no wonder he hardly gets laid. Ulterior motives, Dean? ;)
“All tattoos are sexy” *my eyes glaze over thinking about the boys tattoos*
“We’ve all been there.” Well now I need Wincest ComicCon fic.
OMG, I want to repeat all of the dialogue of this whole scene because it is AMAZEBALLS!
“This never happened.” :D “Stop laughing, Sammy.” :D :D :DDDDDDD
Bobby, I’m not sure that was actually helping in the, you know, helpful way.
May be overreacting here, but for some reason her using Dick’s pen and then putting it back makes me nervous.
“And it’s landing right about now.” “Exact landing time?” “42 minutes” - Well that’s not really right about now, is it? That’s like, just under an hour from now.
Borax bomb. Sweet!
Alright, on the one hand, the whole Ocean’s Eleven backtrack is a nice tension builder (feel like the first part of it should have happened before the break so that it had time to sit properly) but man, whoever wrote/directed/edited this is having an awfully good time in the post-production booth. I mean, damn, this is a big departure from the usual narrative style. Maybe because it’s more of a Charlie ep they can get away with it? Thoughts??
Do like getting to see Sam and Dean in the uniforms, being sneaky and awesome. Reminds me of S1 when it was all about the boys having skills. Miss those days. More of this kind of stuff please *nods*
I get curiosity, but on the other hand, I feel nervous about them just opening the case on the side of the road - you have no clue what it is! It could go all Arc of the Covenant on you! But it doesn’t, because it’s… pottery clay?
Sigh. I love Bobby, I do, but this whole sub-plot with him feels tacked on.
DICK IS AWESOME! Or, you know, whatever. He’s portrayed just right!
Hey, Bobby being useful! Kinda. Only not so much now.
Side note - Levi!Pete screams like a girl. Should not laugh about that, but kinda did.
Boys, don’t just stand there!!
The Bobby vs Dick thing is again, kinda meh.
Ok, so was the name Charlie Bradbury an easter egg I didn’t catch? Well, regardless, loved her! Thank you for existing, Charlie!
Appreciate that they’re trying to make something work with the Bobby angle even though this little talk between the boys essentially amounted to ‘let’s just ignore it and hope everything’s fine’. But there was nothing else for them to really do shy of burning the flask and there’s no way they’re doing that without more impetus and they had to at least talk about it so whatever. Obligatory plot point.
Side note: Stan Lee was just on a Dr. Pepper commercial. I have all the grins. I want Stan The Man to be my grandpa.
PREVIEW: Cas! Mysterious tablet! Meg! Angel symbols! Angels in front of a semi? Cas apologizing! (as we watched this, my BF said “Doesn’t Cas apologize to Dean at the end of every season?” It’s kinda true. I feel like ‘I’m sorry, Dean,’ is Cas’ catchphrase.) So wait, no Levis? We can’t be done with them for the season, can we? That would be non-sensical.
Alright, time to process the feelings. I liked this episode! Was it perfect? No. There were some parts that bugged me and I’m still on the fence for how I feel about Bobby (as I said, I love him, but in terms of how he functions in the narrative, I’m not sure) but stuff happened, which was a nice change of pace and we finally got back around to what is presumably the overall season arc (despite the absence of Levis in the preview). Plus we got Charlie who is the best new character they have introduced in a looooong while! YAY!
A couple of people have made the point now that the big remaining plotlines for this season aren’t actually about Sam and Dean. There’s the Bobby thing left to resolve - I think we’ll lose Bobby at the end of this season, which is both sad, but also the right thing to do since we’ve established that ghosts just can’t survive sane - and the Cas thing - I could see this going either way, but I feel like they’ve ‘killed’ Cas so many times by now *Cas is the Kenny and/or Rory of SPN* that we wouldn’t believe it if they really pulled the trigger so it would lose all the impact that the character deserves and since he can survive without sleep and such, it’s possible that they could keep him around; if it led to more Mark Pellegrino I’d be cool with that - and while both of those effect Sam and Dean and have meaning for them, they aren’t really Sam and Dean’s stories. (Wow, that was one hell of a run-on). As far as that goes, I’m actually ok with it. Sam and Dean are awesome and have saved the world a lot, but you start to get into Jack Bauer territory once they are the only ones that the fate of the world/show depends on and it’s ok to me that their personal lives being at stake is not the big drama like it has been in so many previous season. But I do agree that it has meant that this season has not been so much Sam and Dean’s story which is a little underwhelming. IDK. I have too many feels. /ramble
Least ways, I really had fun this ep, I’m curious to see what the giant block-o-clay will bring us, and I get the feeling that the last two eps of the season will be a big fast paced thrill ride like the first few eps were so I’m looking forward to it! What say ye, fandom?