First of all, as I’m sure most of you saw, there was a lovely slideshow going around earlier today of
the many wonderful performances by inanimate objects in the SPN universe, which made me realize that there is an incredible dearth of Dean’s thigh holster porn in the fandom. It’s Dean’s thigh and weaponry! Two of our favorite flavors all snuggled up together! How is there not ALL THE PORN?? Somebody get on that shit. Here’s some inspiration:
Look -
there's even NSFW art for it! Alright, alright, enough of my demands - On with the Show!
NOW: Ok, now admittedly this whole ghost thing has its limitations which has been proven in earlier episodes, but seriously, Bobby can do ALL that crap and he can’t manage to do anything when one of the boys asks him to or would notice it definitely being supernatural?
Alright, I have been a teenager, and I have done some stupid shit, but I personally would not be able to even think about sexytimes in a dark, creepy, in all probability dusty and moldy-smelling house. I would spend the entire time anticipating something popping out of the woodwork to murder me. Just like this. SPN VALIDATES MY INSECURITIES!
Wow Annie gets around. Give it to the girl for having the good taste to bone both Winchester boys. Also “I didn’t have a soul” is the best possible excuse for anything. It’s literal carte blanche. It's also a nice touch that Sam was all gross-face about them having slept with the same woman as Bobby but when it came to each other sleeping with the same chick it was kind of like, 'oh yeah, that happened again'.
And yes, fandom, I do expect you to turn up some Wincest porn related to the boys doing the horizontal mambo with the same chick. You know, talking about their experiences leads to acting out their experiences… Bonus points for working in dirty use of the term foxhole. *snicker* Like there’s a not-dirty use. ALL PORN DEMANDS ALL THE TIME!
Ok, I’ll admit it, I’m enjoying the ghost!Bobby so far. This is fun in the short term. Just don’t get carried away SPN.
Hey! They explained why Bobby is only around selectively! Nicely done, writers.
Learned ghost guy seems awfully familiar.
“You’re angsting at it” LOL! Sassy learned ghost guy. Who is also flirty. Isn't that kind of pointless as a ghost? I mean, you can't really ghost-bone, can you?
Pure red hot rage - that does sound more Winchester-adjacent.
“Spectral voice transference” - “Ghost juju” - *side eye* “Yeah.” LOL!
Enjoying the use of spacial restrictions of ghosts as a way of adding dramatic tension to exposition. Very nice.
I love that they gave them reaction close ups on ‘bordello’.
Wait, 30s? I mean, Annie is looking good and all but I’d say she’s at least gotta be 40. I really don't mean that as an insult, it's just it stuck out to me because I would have guessed her in her 40s. I mean how easy would that have been to tweak in the script once the actress was cast? Maybe I’m not a great judge of age though.
Sidenote - what is it with Show and redheads with Ann- names who have sex with Dean?
“I can kill werewolves, fix a pinto and cook cornbread.” :D All fine accomplishments, Bobby. I can do one of those things, but I won't say which.
Post-shower Dean!!! WET DEAN! Why are we deprived of towel!Dean?? WHY, SPN?!? Also, does Dean shower with the door open? Can we say, invitation for Sammy? C’mon, Sam, it’s just saving water! Don’t you love the environment enough to have hot shower time with your brother?
YAY! Figuring out the Bobby situation is not nearly as long and drawn out as I had feared! Hoorah!
And, ok, not totally shocked that Gomez Adams there is the bad guy, but kinda cool that he can kill other ghosts. What’s that about?
Fancy lady is a much nicer term than hooker. Would that make male prostitutes fancy gentlemen? Fancy boys? … I’m having too much fun with this. Should not drink tequila before Show, it makes me silly.
The boys seem to be taking the whole Bobby thing much more in stride than expected. I mean, I appreciate not belaboring the point and that they only have an hour of show and all, but still…
Dean knows old-fashioned terms for hookers! :D
Victoria, you know this is life or death, right? I mean you could talk a little faster there, sweetie-pie. Oh well, now you can’t, because you’re dead. Double-dead. Whatever.
Women are always the clear thinkers in the SPN world. Anybody else getting kind of a slutty!Ellen vibe off of Annie? But I do like the ghost hunters from the other side aspect.
Alright, wait so does Gomez drain the ghosts or does he burn them? Wouldn’t that be two different outcomes? Confused about the logistics.
Man, I bet that’ll mess you up, checking out your own bloody corpse. Yeesh.
Really boys, you’re still just chill about this whole ghost!Bobby thing. You’re not trying to talk to him or anything??
Just saying - they couldn’t move a candlestick yesterday and today they’re going to move a whole bunch of bones and toss them in a fire? That seems like a lot more work. They are fast learners.
Alright, time out. Seriously, can someone explain the logistics of the burn vs drain thing. If draining them was all a trick and he’s been burning them all this time, why can he affect Bobby? So he can do both? Why wouldn’t he just do one all the time? Like, if draining them makes him stronger or whatever and it doesn’t seem to take that much more time, why not just drain them all instead of burning them?
But yay for the Winchesters with the save!
Wait, why can they see him??? FUCK YOU INOPPORTUNE COMMERCIALS!
Alright - nice explanation of the talking board issue. Still no clue why Bobby can suddenly become the anti-Invisible Man, but that's something at least.
“You didn’t know her like I did.” Weren’t you there in the restaurant when we established that Annie bangs everybody, Bobby? I felt like there was a specific shot of the flask then. Of course they know her like you do - i.e. biblically.
I want to have some really important thoughts about the whole ‘welcome back Bobby, what the fuck are you doing here’ conversation but honestly, I can’t come up with anything. It feels like about what I would have expected but it’s not wildly satisfying nor is it very unsatisfying. I’m not sure if it’s because I had several weeks to anticipate what this conversation might go like or just that it feels a little like when I bang out dialogue because the plot point needs to happen but it’s just not hitting on all cylinders for me. That could just be me being weird though.
Boys, really, you don’t think that since we have established that Bobby is attached to the flask and the flask is in the trunk that he might, you know, BE LISTENING IN ON YOUR PRIVATE CONVERSATION IN THE CAR ABOUT WHETHER HE SHOULD EXIST OR NOT???? Sheesh.
PREVIEW: Lesbian techie girl vs Dick. So many entendres. … Yeah, that’s pretty much all I got aside from the fact that there didn’t seem to be any apparent Bobby in the preview, which makes me curious but could just be an oversight of how short the clip was.
Ok, so, let’s process our feelings. And by our, I mean ‘my’ because I’m the one that counts here ;)
Ultimately I feel like I liked the episode. It may take a rewatching to really solidify my opinion but I’m not left feeling let down. At the same time, I’m hardly blown away. There were some moments I really liked and I enjoyed the potential (hopefully in the short term) of ghost!Bobby. I guess this all sort of felt like it was setting that up though - that this whole episode was a necessary bridge from not knowing about Bobby to dealing with him being around again.
Annie kind of felt like a mix-n-match of several of our previous beloved female characters, which made her decent to watch but not as uniquely interesting as, say, prematurely murdered monster lady who also slept with Bobby from last season. Also, she seemed like such an obvious placeholder for Bobby’s own issues that it was hard to separate her as an individual character.
The boys said all of the things one might have expected of them, though I did sort of imagine the roles reversed since Dean was the one in particular who seemed to want to believe Bobby was still around. And there weren’t nearly enough brother moments, but I’m not sure that there is such a thing as ‘enough’ of those.
So yeah, that wasn’t really coherent at all. Maybe I need to watch the ep again. Anyway - what were your thoughts? Love it, hate it, don’t give a crap? What’s up flist?