YOU GUYS!!!! *smish* I don't even know what to say! I spent the whole day yesterday being flooded with sweet birthday tweets and messages and gifts (and some lovely anonymous person who gave me 2 months of paid time!)! I wanted to thank you all individually by name but then it was a giant block of code and I doubted making you read all of that was a very good thank you, so you'll just have to settle for my massive, undying gratitude! And a gigantic, virtual tackle-hug *TACKLEHUG*!
Thank you thank you thank you!! Y'all made an already wonderful birthday infinitely better!
And, as if that wasn't enough,
orbiting_saturn wrote me
Wincest in pink panties(!!!!),
akadougal gave me
stripper!Sammy and
verucasalt123 make me
Sacred Vegas Week fic! (I am sorry I have not commented to you ladies, I have read all of them but it is very hard to leave proper squees from my phone and I didn't have computer time last night - I loved them all; expect appropriate flailing soon!)
I love you all! Seriously, I don't know what I'd do without you guys, you mean so much to me. Thank you one more time for all of your kind thoughts and words!