7x 10 (spoilers)

Dec 05, 2011 20:24

Ok, I only really have one thought - alright, no, I have lots of thoughts, but they can basically be summarized in one sentence:


I'm supposed to go all through hiatus with THAT swirling around in my head? *collapse*

Ok, so obviously I remained spoiler-free until I got to watch the epi tonight and I do not regret that one bit. I have no clue what anyone else's reactions have been and I think I sort of like that in terms of getting my reaction out without trying to be cool and see if I agree with what everyone else feels. Therefor, for those of you interesting in more than one sentence, as follows:

On a basic epsode level I thoughtthis was a really good one. I tend to enjoy it whenever SPN does an in the head/memories epi and this was no exception. I love that they didn't make him walk around thinking it was real, that he knew right off the bat what was going on. Jim Beaver really rocked it out and the boys got to emote at each other and Jensen - JENSEN! DEAN! *flail*

I know there's been a lot of back and forth in the fandom, particularly of late, about Bobby. I know that a lot of people were totally over him as a character or just didn't like him in the first place and that's fine, I respectfully disagree, but everyone's entitled to their opinion (and I'm entitled to the right one). I personally am a Bobby fan and even moreso after this ep. I could potentially see some people being upset that his storyline was a little trite - we've all seen the kid of an alcoholic grows up to be screwed up about relationships and parenting thing - but I'm ok with that. Cliches are cliche for a reason, IMHO - because for a lot of people, it is/has been true. I loved his moments as a dad to the boys and while the Winchester fan in me could have done with more of those, I appreciate that they concentrated on the fact that as much as he loves him, the boys are only one aspect of Bobby's life.

Now, of course, the question is where do we go from here. I never wanted Bobby to die, but after last week I had sort of resigned myself to it - losing the mentor is a classic trope of the hero narrative after all. But now they've gone and left the door open on the possibility of ghost!Bobby and I'm all kinds of conflicted.

On the one hand, I've been pro creature-on-the-team for a while now and there could be a lot of potentially interesting stuff with Bobby around as a ghost; the morality for the boys as hunters, the psychology (we've never really spent time with a ghost who knew they were a ghost). Good stuff. And in a way I think it would be fitting - Bobby is the guy who has never really moved on from anything. On the other hand, from a writer's standpoint it significantly complicates the functioning of the show since Bobby would have to be with the boys a lot more and I'm afraid that it would rapidly devolve into jumping the shark territory. But if this is the end for our beloved not-dad, leaving it on that choice feels kind of like a fuck you. Sure, it's dramatic, but after all of those beautiful moments, to leave our final memory of Bobby as an instant of bated breath instead of sadness or catharsis seems like we and Bobby got shorted.

Ok, so those were'nt short thoughts at all and were probably rambly and incoherent because my brain is still turning it all over. I know I'm late to the game, guys, but tell me what you think anyway!


supernatural, recap, rant

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